Saturday the 4th: Fuwa

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I finish rereading the Attack on Titan series in preparation for the release of the second half of season four next year. I gently put the manga back on my shelf with the others, satisfied and eagerly awaiting for the rest of the animated version. I then remember that I was going to try and find a present for Karma today and wonder what I should get him. For being so wet the past couple days, it's really dry out.

I head to the computer and begin my research with While very informative, there's absolutely nothing on his personal tastes. I then switch to Archive of Our Own and type in the Akabane Karma tag, hoping to come across some insightful fanfiction. Apparently the only thing they think Karma wants is Nagisa tied up in his bed wearing lingerie and a bow.

Do you people not get that we're only fourteen???

I tilt my head halfway through one of the more risque stories.

Although that does sound sexy.

I shake my head and decide to try another route.

Although he isn't very active, I manage to find Karma on Bumblr. He seems to be one of those people that likes things all the time, but rarely posts.

Funny, I'd think he was one to post obnoxiously.

I scroll through all his likes, some of them rather funny and random. Others are expectedly bloody. Every now and then, I pick up on a sort of hidden theme among them. Every fifty or so likes is one about friendship and family and he actually comments on those. He'll say things like "this is what a family is" and "friends are the real family". There is an unexpected comment where he actually says "id kill him" to a post about teachers fighting against bullying in schools.

While it sort of makes sense based on the info the fandom website provided, it doesn't match the context of the other comments or anything in the post.

I happen across another liked post where he responds to something about preferring parents that are absent or parents that are dead. "id rather they die" he responded. "at least you can pretend they loved you that way" he added in another comment.

That makes me feel sort of sad for him and I quit researching for a while, staring up thoughtfully at the ceiling.

Guess they really don't spend any time with him.

I purse my lips together and wish there were some way to change that.

"Hey, Ritsu."

"Yes, Yuzuki-chan?" Her likeness pops up on my phone.

"What are you getting for Karma?"

"Oh, um..." Ritsu looks to the side. "I haven't really given it much thought yet. Should I?"

"Well of course you should!" I yell, picking up the phone and staring intently into it. "You're a part of 3-E!"

"Really?" She perks up innocently. "I mean, I know I'm helping with the assassination of Korosensei, but I wasn't sure about other activities such as this. It's really okay?"

I smile and shake my head at her. "For being a supercomputer, you'd be pretty helpless without us."

She giggles. "I think we're all a little better together personally."

"Yeah, you're right." I lean back in my chair. "So what should I get him?"

"Hm." She taps her chin. "Why not ask him?"

I'm about to respond that it's supposed to be a surprise when I realize that there's a way I can ask him without him knowing. I jump back onto Bumblr and send him a friend request.

"Thanks, Ritsu!"

"Of course!" She disappears from my phone screen.

I hunt for Karma on all the other social media sites and find him on Chipper and Instagame. Chipper ends up being where all his shit posting is, so I don't even bother with that one. His Instagame turns up some useful information though. It's where all his selfies went. Karma standing over a guy he just beat up. Karma sticking his tongue out. That picture he shot of Nagisa in a dress.

I can't help but heart that one. He looked better than me in that dress.

In all the pictures, he's smiling and happy. And for just about every picture, someone from 3-E is with him.

I receive a notification that he accepted my request on Bumblr. I then get a text from him on my phone.

Real Antagonist: are you stalking me?

Me: ofc not!

Real Antagonist: liar :P

He then sends a picture of the like I left on his Instagame. I frown and try to decide how best to handle this situation.

Me: wut if i am?

I stare at my phone, waiting for a response. Five minutes go by without one and I sigh in relief. It's then that I know what to get him.

He's happiest with us, so I should get a manga following all of our attempts at trying to assassinate our teacher together!

I go onto Amazon and look up Ansatsu Kyoshitsu by Yusei Matsui.

Holy shit that's expensive...

I try to find it on Ebae instead when I finally get a response from Karma by text. I open the message and find the most embarrassing, half naked photo ever taken of me by my older brother last year.

"What??" I scream, wondering how he could've possibly found something I already made him delete off of Fakebook.

Real Antagonist: dont stalk a stalker ;)

I slam my phone face down.

Ooooo, he's good.

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