Tuesday the 14th: Itona

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 "This is so good." I say for the hundredth time about Hazama's manuscript.

"I think I'm going to finish it soon." Hazama grins.

I'm not one to see things that aren't there, but I swear I can see the thirst in her eyes for reaching that end.

"So I'll be able to read the whole thing soon?" I hand her back the partial chapter she printed off for me.

She accepts it. "I think so. It'll need some editing. Think you can handle it?"

I consider the idea a moment. "Not really my forte."

"What makes her book so amazing anyway?" Terasaka crosses his arms and leans back in his chair. "And you can only read it once. I'm gonna get something way better than a book."

"When?" I spit out, challenging him.

"Yeah, you keep talking like you're gonna get the most amazing thing in the world." Muramatsu explains. "But you haven't even started looking yet."

"I will!" Terasaka shouts.

"It's probably gonna be the first thing you grab." Hazama rolls her eyes, making Yoshida and Muramatsu laugh.

"Whatever. You'll see." Terasaka glares at us.

"Anyway, what'd you think about that torture scene?" Hazama asks. "Was it sexy? Heheh."

"I'm pretty sure the human body doesn't work that way." I answer coolly.

She blinks at me a few times. "I thought you said it was good!" She yells indignantly. "You have any idea how long I worked on that scene? Sure, I can't do it, but someone like Little-Miss-Gymnast over there could easily." She points over towards Okano at the front. "That scene is a work of art." Hazama growls.

"I'm not saying it isn't, but like any art, it's up for interpretation." I match Hazama's gaze. "It's good, but not realistic. If that's what you're going for, you failed."

She slams her hand down onto the table, cursing me with her eyes.

"Lemme see." Nakamura says out of nowhere, snatching the few pages from Hazama.

All of a sudden, Hazama's nervous, reaching for her precious pages but not actually retrieving them. At some point, Karma enters the room and sits down next to me. I turn to him and hold my gaze for a second. He looks back and raises an eyebrow.

"Hey." I respond.

He smirks and pulls out a notebook. "You kitties ready for me to beat this math into you?"

"I see what he's saying and he's right." Nakamura hands the pages back to Hazama who slumps down into her chair, defeated. "Oh, you're actually sticking around for the cram session today?" She asks Karma.

He shrugs confidently. "Well, someone's gotta teach you how to add two plus two."

Surprised, I turn to Terasaka. "You don't know what two plus two is?" I say, my voice purposefully bland. This causes a huge uproar of laughter from our corner of the classroom.

Terasaka blushes profusely, growing angry. "It's four you assholes!"

"Hey, mind following me for a sec?" Nakamura smiles at me.

"Sure, but I really wanted to be here for the cram session. Will it take long?"

"You'll be fine." Nakamura waves her hand between us.

I check the clock, Korosensei's intensive cram session starting in ten minutes.

"It'll be quick." Nakamura pushes.

I relent and get out of my chair. "You have ten minutes."


Nakamura explains to me in great detail what she's planning on giving Karma for Christmas. She was hoping I'd be willing to build a small video playing tablet because buying one would be grossly more expensive than what her budget can handle. It sounds simple enough and it doesn't require a large storage space, making it easier since she doesn't need much.

"Yeah, I can do that." I nod once.

"Oh, thank you." She sighs in relief.

Hazama enters the hallway and marches over to us, shoving her partial manuscript in our faces.

"If you think it's so wrong, then fix it!" She yells. "But I know you wouldn't know a masterpiece if it slapped you in the face!" She actually smacks me in the face with her papers. I glare back at her, not appreciating the gesture.

"It's not that it's bad." Nakamura raises an eyebrow. "But do you really think the body moves that easily? It would literally take a contortionist. They'd be screaming before Sado pushed them that far."

I end up imagining the main character doing that to his victim and have trouble seeing at what point Maso would've given in.

She didn't do horribly. It's hard to know what the body's capable of unless you do it yourself.

Everything in my brain stops and starts at the same time.

"I know how to fix it." I interject, cutting off their heated debate.

"What do you mean?" Nakamura asks.

"Then fix it." Hazama words carefully, her tone daring and condescending.

"What if I made you a doll that had sensors built in for you to manipulate. I'm not as much of a programmer as I am a builder, but between Ritsu and I, we can make something that tracks the feedback from the doll and tells you exactly how much pain the person would be in based on statistics." I motion with my hands as though visualizing it and speak faster and faster, getting into the idea.

Maybe I could even put in pleasure sensors.

"You could do that?" Nakamura asks, impressed.

"And I have no problem assisting!" Ritsu calls out from one of our phones.

I pull out mine. "You wanna work on it now?" I stare at the screen until it comes to life with Ritsu's image.

"Sure!" She tilts her head cutely. "Should be easy enough. I already have the supplies picked out. Most of them are at your dad's store, but the rest are relatively affordable."


I rush back into the classroom and gather my stuff quickly. I take a quick glance outside, the afternoon rain light but steady.

Should've brought an umbrella after all.

"Not staying anymore?" Karma asks.

"Yeah. Thought we were gonna do all the cram sessions together." Terasaka adds.

"I don't need them as much as you." I rattle off quickly, running out of the room with everyone laughing.

"I mean, he's not wrong!" Karma teases.

"SHUT UP!" Terasaka yells so loud I can hear him halfway down the hall as I pass Nakamura and Hazama.

"How long will it take?" Hazama's voice gives me pause. "There are so many scenes I'll have to rewrite!" She whines, appearing tired. "I barely get enough sleep as it is."

"A couple days. Maybe." I look at each of them, wondering if I can go now.

"Just finish the book and I'll help you edit it." Nakamura reassures Hazama. "And you can fulfill my request after." She gives me a thumbs up. "Good luck!"

I nod, continuing down the hallway and racing home, eager to begin my project.

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