Thursday the 2nd: Hazama

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What the hell should I even give him?

I tap the end of my pen on my notebook, my chin resting on top of my propped up arm. I casually glance around and listen in on everyone else's conversations before class starts up again after the break.

"I'm definitely gonna give him something, and it's gonna be great!" Terasaka boasts.

"You're just saying that because you're his bitch." Itona says robotically.

"I am not!" Terasaka yells in response, Yoshida and Muramatsu laughing like idiots.

I shift my gaze somewhere else.

"Man, I've no idea what to give him. I barely know the guy." Okajima mumbles to himself.

Kanzaki moves her chair so she can join in on Yada and Kurahashi's conversation.

"I found the cutest thing last night! I hope he likes it!" Yada smiles.

"I'll have to go again some other time. I just feel like I don't know him well enough to make a decision right away like you did." Kurahashi pushes her brows together. "I wish it were easier for me to pick something out for him."

"What did you end up getting anyway?" Kanzaki asks. "I sort of feel the same as Kurahashi."

I look down at the growing black spot at the top of my notebook from tapping my pen.

What the hell am I gonna give him?

"Hey." Itona taps my shoulder once. "I read that book you mentioned. You were right. It wasn't worth reading the whole thing."

I lift my head and turn to him, a dark grin forming. "Somehow I just knew I could coax you over to the dark side."

"You have any other good suggestions?" He asks, his face mostly expressionless like always, but I can see through it.

"Well, there's this other one I was going to tell you about, but you'd have to start at chapter 6 to skip all the lovey-dovey crap." I wiggle my fingers through the air, sickened by the fact that I bothered to read it, even though the ending was actually depressing enough to be worth it.

"I'd rather read a whole book then just its parts. Can't you just write one instead? I'd totally read it." He says in that deadpan way he says everything.

And for some reason, it totally inspires me.

I smile darkly and spin around, flipping to an empty page in my notebook to do just that.

"Alright class, it's time for the next lesson!" Korosensei calls out from the front, appearing out of nowhere like usual.

Even though I know I should be paying attention to prepare for finals, my mind gets whisked away by an idea. Then another. Then another. Ten pages later, I realize that Itona's right.

I should just write my own fucking book.

I flip to another page and start up the beginnings of an outline, hugely inspired out of nowhere. It's dark. It's twisted. The ending will be horribly tragic, and I get to spend as many pages as I want dragging out the torture for my characters and the reader.

I hadn't even realized class was over until Karma bumped into my arm on his way out for the day.

"You're really writing a novel, huh?" He grins mischievously. "It gonna be anything like that play we have to do after winter break?"

I match his smile with a creepy gaze. "Or worse. I won't have to worry about censoring it for the school in this story."

"Hm." His smile changes to one of real interest. "That actually makes it more intriguing." With his bag slung over his shoulder, he leaves. "Just make sure there's actually some blood and punishment if you want me to read it."

Like I'd write something for you.

My eyes twitch as the muse sends me yet another idea. Suddenly, all I see is a character like Karma being the one to cause all the chaos I want in every scene, in every chapter. The images that instantly appear in my head are so deliciously twisted, there's absolutely no way I can't include them.

I scribble as many notes as I dare into my notebook and head home to type it all up on my laptop before it disappears.

Hours go by and before I know it, there's over twenty thousand words of pure evil typed out in a word document, the main character an older version of Karma. I take a short break, just staring at this random storyline that decided to possess me like a demon at the last second. The quiet pitter-patter of the rain outside reminds me of just how temperamental the weather can be sometimes. I peek through the curtains and wonder if it'll stop before morning. It's been on and off all day.

"Kirara, are you still up?" Mom calls from down the hall. "You need to go to bed, young lady, it's 2am!"

I ignore her and read through a few of the scenes, feeling like there's still so many more to add. I do my best to take a deep breath and stow the demon, smiling to myself.

Thank you for finding me worthy.

I close my eyes and yawn, the thing finally giving me a real break to relax. I save the document as "Unknown" and close the laptop. I stretch out a bit, pull out my black nightwear, toss the school uniform to the side, nibble on one of the snacks hidden in my room, plop down onto my bed, and take a peek at the clock.

2:43 am.


I finish off the small treat and hope I'll get enough sleep to function at least semi-normally at school the next day. I crawl under the covers, close my eyes, and my demon whispers just one more thing into my ear before I can drift off. My eyes open wide and I wonder if I should just wait to deal with it in the morning. I angrily watch the clock as it goes through the minutes.





Damn it, fine.

I tear off the blanket and turn on the computer again. I pull up the document and right click the name, the mouse selecting just what I need. I delete "Unknown" and type out the new one.

The Karma of Sadism


I grin from ear to ear, and cackle quietly into the night.


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