Sunday the 12th: Kurahashi

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Luckily, the cat made it through the night. I kept waking up every hour to check on him but he slept soundly. I tried to convince my brothers not to hunt down the kids that did this, but it ended up being unavoidable when Hayami told them how hysterical I was.

'No one makes our little sister cry,' they declared, leaving early this morning to beat up unsuspecting kids that look like they'd hurt an animal. I didn't have the heart to stop them.

The cat finally opens his eyes and I watch him closely. He attempts to stand up after a nervous moment of searching his surroundings.

"No, it's okay, it's okay. You're safe here." I soothe, offering my hand to see if he'll let me pet him.

Unlike any other stray I've come across, he seems to understand and listen like he's been trained. Even so, he looks up sadly, letting out a pathetically quiet "mrow" in the process. It seems like he's asking for reassurance, so I smile.

"Don't you worry." I giggle once, covering my mouth because I shouldn't find violence against kids funny under any circumstance, but I do. "My brothers are making sure those brats never hurt another animal again."

His purple eyes widen and he gazes out thoughtfully. "Mrow?" He asks after a while.

The smile freezes on my face.

Do I actually understand him?

"Uh..." I lean in close, our noses nearly touching. "Yes, really."

He looks down as if contemplating his response.

Oh my god, am I Dr. Doolittle?

He lifts it again and licks my nose once. "Mow." He says, as if thanking me.

Oh my god, I am.


I end up feeling both relieved and disappointed that my brothers didn't find the jerks from the park. They all go up to the cat individually and apologize. They don't seem to notice what I do though.

This "cat" thanks each of them, placing a paw on their hand when it's offered. When I'm alone, I approach the strange animal.

"Do you really understand what's going on?" I whisper disbelievingly.

His ears go back and he stares at me condescendingly like I offended him. My eye twitches and I still can't fully believe how smart this guy is.

But then how did he end up abandoned in a park?

Curious, I decide to actually interrogate a cat.

"Do you have an owner?" I ask.

His eyes seem to go away and he stares off into nowhere. I swallow the dryness in my throat.

"Did something happen to them?"

He rests his head on top of his paws. For some reason, I get the sense that maybe they died or something. I softly brush my hand through his fur.

"That must've been awful." I whisper sympathetically. "You must miss them."

He lets out a low howl and it almost seems like tears are forming in his eyes.

"You must be lonely now..." I mumble.

I freeze then, the idea too sudden and uncertain. I stare at him as he lifts his head curiously.

They're both super smart and they're both lonely.

I laugh nervously, the idea so random it's almost ridiculous.

Does Karma even like cats?

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