Wednesday the 22nd: Okajima

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May contain mature content in the form of explicit descriptions of graphic content viewed by a minor. As this is the only chapter like this, I have not rated the entire story mature. If you feel this story should be rated as mature, please let me know. Otherwise, I have censored some words and cut other stuff out to keep it mostly safe for younger readers, but please skip this chapter if you feel uncomfortable with explicit descriptions. Still contains uncensored strong/inappropriate language as the minimum age limit for Wattpad is thirteen.

Also, if you are over the age of eighteen, the full version is available on AO3. If the explicit descriptions not only don't bother you, but you'd rather get the whole picture for the story's sake despite the warning, there is a link in my profile for my AO3 profile.


"Geez, I thought they'd never end." I sigh, thankful finals are over.

To reward myself for a job well done, and because Uncle promised I could for Karma's present, I lazily head over to his shop. I wasn't allowed to come by before five because frankly, I'm not allowed there. I grin to myself stupidly.

But that never stopped me before, did it?

Another bit of honesty, I wasn't born like this, I was invited. Sure I could've said no, but with such a strong fascination with breasts that I never grew out of, why would I?

Even while walking slow, I still get there a little early. I decide to wait around the corner until it's time.

Just as Uncle's closing up shop, I pop in through the door. "Hey, Uncle!" I open my arms for a hug.

"Oh, hey, Taiga!" He wraps an arm around my shoulders and brings me in. "So, what's your friend into?"

My wandering eyes find an interesting magazine I haven't skimmed through yet. "Breasts?" I offer.

He laughs. "Okay, just one."

So I pick up the magazine and flip through it.


By the time I'm done, an hour's already passed by.

"Oh, uh," I haphazardly return the magazine to it's spot, "how long you think we've here?" No one answers. "Uncle?" I peek through a few aisles and find him in one, reading a magazine with ****. "Uncle?" I try again, not wanting to interrupt him but also not wanting to get in trouble for staying here all night like last time.

"Oh, uh, right." He closes the magazine and puts it away. "So what kind of person is this guy?"

"Well, um, I thought he was straight, but he might not be. And I thought he was into twisted sadistic stuff, but he apparently likes happy endings." I shake my head, still a little confused about that one. "I know he gets off on being first. He seemed real high and mighty after finals today, saying he might've finally beaten Asano and gotten a perfect score."

"Asano? Who's that?" He asks.

"Some tight-ass that's probably gonna die a virgin getting off to a book. And not the fun ones." I motion to the store.

"Ah." He nods understandingly.

"Seriously though, guy needs to lighten up. Even Karma likes a good prank once in a while." I shake my head, hoping Karma really did knock Asano down a few pegs during finals.

"Hm." Uncle brings a hand to his chin. "You know, let's check the back. How much of a sadist we talking here?"

"Guy's in love with blood." I respond blandly.

Although why anyone would get off doing something that horrible to a perfectly good body is beyond me. And I'd get off to almost anything.

"Let's just see what we have." He leads me to the back and opens a few boxes, pulling out a magazine or two and then putting it back. "I was thinking of opening up a back room. Apparently a lot of people are into this **** thing."

"Well, yeah."

Is he really that behind the times? Have you heard of 50 Shades of Grey?

It's all her fault.

"I'll admit, I'm a little out of my comfort zone with this one." He gets to a box further back. "Ah, here it is." He grunts, pulling it out for easier access. "This one's got a bunch of ******/***** stuff and extreme rope tying or something. Maybe he'll like something in there."

Extreme rope tying?

I roll my eyes and grab one of them out, flipping through it. "Thanks."

"Yup. Just let me know if you find something." Uncle awkwardly watches me a second instead of leaving.

I raise an eyebrow and turn to him. "Yes?"

"Do I have to worry about you? Getting into this," he motions to the box, "stuff?"

"I told you, it's for Karma. Guy's a sadist." I close the mag and pick out another one. "I have way too much appreciation for the female body to," I open to a random page of a poor woman *****, "do that." I show him the picture as a point.

He cringes and shakes his head. "Do I need to worry about the kind of fourteen-year-old that's into this stuff?"

I stare at him plainly. "Do you worry about me being into porn?"

He matches my gaze and laughs. "I guess looking doesn't necessarily mean you do it."

I glare at him. "Thanks." I respond bitterly.

"Eh, it'll happen." He waves it off and finally leaves.

I put this one away and try another. It has women and men in it and while they're all tied up too, they aren't being tortured or hurt in this one. I flip to a woman in sleek leather holding a whip. I blush.

It's not that bad.

I flip to another page of *****. While I'm not normally into guys, there's something about being dominated that captures my interest.

As if any woman wants me that much...

I find another picture of the woman again. As strongly as I feel about *****, being forced to do it by someone that sexy is, well, sexy. Sexy as fuck.

Kinda wish that was me.

I start from the beginning and decide that this one deserves to be explored more thoroughly.

Needless to say, I get in trouble for staying late at Uncle's shop again. And... now I'm only mostly straight.

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