Friday the 3rd: Takebayashi

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I peruse the shops near my home completely at a loss for what to get him, but obligated to get him something. The Akabane's are a really important family, and it'd be just one more reason for mine to disown me if he were to get something inadequate as a present. The problem is...

I have no idea what he wants.

I pass a card shop displaying some new T-shirts in the window and decide to see if they've increased their minuscule anime collection yet. I walk to the back where the tiny display of unpopular anime stands with nothing new to boast and sigh.

"Hey, Takebayashi." The shop owner points his thumb to another section. "Probably not gonna get more anime anytime soon, but we have manga now."

I let out yet another disappointed sigh.

He shrugs. "Just thought I'd let you know. Why you keep coming in just to be disappointed?"

"I'm practicing." I mutter sarcastically, knowing he wouldn't get the joke.

He just shrugs again and goes back to reading some book about "Magic the Gathering".

Being the family outcast, I'm used to everyone being disappointed in me, so I might as well be disappointed in everything too.

I decide to check out the new manga section, despite preferring animation. I pick up something random and flip through a few pages, bored. I put it back and am about to grab another when I notice a new basket of anime paraphernalia. I hastily shuffle over to it and dig through all the little trinkets. There are Naruto headbands and Death Note notebooks. There's even a legitimate three star glass dragonball.

I dig in a little deeper and find the most wonderful of items. It's Nezuko's mouthpiece and a pair of Tanjiro's earrings from Demon Slayer. I gently rub my cheek on the bamboo, imagining my beautiful Nezuko having worn it recently.

Oh, my wonderful waifu...

I stop and nervously look around, hoping no one saw me in my moment of weakness. I straighten out my glasses and halfheartedly rummage through a few more of the items.

I come across a Sonic Ninja pez dispenser and snatch it from the bin, vaguely remembering that Akabane was a fan. I shrug and hurry over to the owner, placing the items on the counter.

He raises an eyebrow. "You're actually buying something?"

With my expression as stern as I can manage, I simply push up my glasses in response.

He stares back awkwardly for a moment before ringing them up without question. I pay him the required amount and he hands me a bag, all with minimal conversation. Once out of the store, I can't help but smile.

Oh, my wonderful Nezuko!

I can barely contain a squeal of excitement as I reach into the bag and end up grabbing the pez dispenser instead of the mouthpiece. I pull it out and wonder if it's even good enough for Akabane. I pull back on the head with my thumb and notice the dispenser is actually broken. I try it again, the head going back all the way to the point where it looks like it's being completely decapitated. I turn around on my heel, intending to return the item when I end up testing it a few more times out of curiosity. It snaps back to its usual position as though that's how it's supposed to work, but I'm certain it's not actually supposed to go that far.

I fiddle with it a few more times and on a whim, just start heading home with the broken dispenser. While slightly disturbing to watch, it also feels perfect for Akabane somehow.

He always did like torturing things.

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