Saturday the 18th: Terasaka

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 "I already told you idiots, I'm doing this on my own!" I yell into the phone before angrily ending the call and shoving it into my pocket.

It's like they think I can't do it myself or something.

I wander down the street, glaring at anyone that dares try to get in my way. Finally, some little kid cries because of it and I groan inwardly.

Alright, focus.

It's late in the day because I slept in and while I knew I shouldn't wait to go shopping for Karma's present, I kept putting it off anyway. Someone bumps into me and I fight the urge to yell at them. It's pretty busy on the streets so I decide to head to the mall instead. It isn't much better.

I curse myself for being lazy and figure I'll check the game store first.

He likes games, right?

This store is also packed, which is surprising because there's also very little left on the shelves. Anything I know the name of is gone.

"You gotta be kidding me." I mutter to myself.

Some loser bumps into me and again, I have to hold my tongue.

There's gotta be something left.

I catch sight of a lone videogame that hasn't been sold yet. I force my way through and pick it up before someone else can.

"One master to rule them all?" The cover has a bunch of prettyboy demons with capes and creepy smiles on it. I wonder if those are supposed to be the characters you can play as.

I mean, I could see him rocking a cape. And he already has the sharp teeth.

Again, someone bumps into me.

"Can't you just watch where you're going?" I yell, turning towards a woman much taller and bulkier than me. I immediately shrink down.

"Excuse you, young man?" She leans in closer with a look that could kill. And I believe she actually could.

"S-Sorry, ma'am." I mumble, hurrying over to the register.

Holy shit, she's huge! What is she, a freaking body builder?

I hand over the game and dig out my wallet, hoping it's not too expensive. The cashier raises an eyebrow after looking at the game and turns to me. I stare back.

"What? I not look like I can play games or somethin'?"

She returns her attention to the screen and rings it up without saying anything. I pay her and she puts it in a bag for me.

"Um, enjoy the game." She mumbles, averting her gaze and blushing slightly.

I decide to ignore it, thankful to have gotten this thing over with.

Wonder if the maid cafe's open. I'm starving.

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