Friday the 10th: Nakamura

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On my way to the mall, I scroll through the list I made throughout the week of prank present ideas I can give Karma.

If anyone will appreciate my genius, it's him.

I get to the section where I brainstormed some ideas of pranking Nagisa as a present for Karma and enter the mall.

Would he really be interested if I left Nagisa tied up on his bed like that though?

I glance up thoughtfully and spot Karma leaning over the rail and dropping something. I follow the trail and notice the empty bench on the floor below him, but there's nothing on it. When I glance up again, he looks like a deer in headlights at me for a second before he grins devilishly. He pulls out his phone and I receive a text.

Evil Genius: wanna join

I chuckle quietly and look for a way to the second floor.

Yeah, he'll definitely appreciate a good prank.

Just as I reach him, I notice a couple of shoppers heading for the bench. Karma points to his eyes with two fingers and then redirects them down to the bench. I lean over the rail to watch.

They talk for a while when the woman sits down just to stand right back up with a yelp.

"What is it?" The husband asks.

The woman glares back angrily. "Who in the world tracked snow all the way in here? Hmph!" She turns her nose up into the air leaving behind her bags and the poor sucker picks them up and trails after, attempting to smooth her over.

Karma's smile grows, showing off his natural fangs. He hands me the remains of an unflavored snow cone. I grin, grabbing it and adding more to the bench for the next unsuspecting victim.

We keep this up until it's gone without ever saying a word, not that we needed to. It was pretty obvious what we would say.

'That was so great! Love the simplicity and execution.' I'd start.

'Just wait til you see what I've got planned next!' he'd return.

Right on queue, he nudges me and we throw away the evidence. He offers his arm and I take it casually so we look like a couple just strolling around. I stay calm and try to catch onto what he's doing without appearing obvious. I end up missing something and he smoothly turns us around to follow a couple of random girls.

They end up going to a store on the other side of the mall and Karma patiently continues tailing them. Because he doesn't make a move, I assume whatever he has planned has already been put into motion and I watch the girls intently.

They get to the register when one girl screams at the top of her lungs while throwing her purse to the side. A rubber snake flies out and a chuckle nearly escapes my lips. I turn to see Karma biting his lip, eyes open wide. I lean into him and dig into a pocket while appearing like I'm flirting. He allows it, smiling down at me handsomely. I can't help but blush. The rush of being with him, not needing a single ounce of verbal communication to know everything, is sexy as hell.

I wrap the rubber item in my hand so no one will see it in my fist and take it out. He motions his head towards the exit and I nod.

'Can I do the next one?' I'd ask.

'Why you think I had two?' he'd answer.

I try to figure out how I'm going to top that girl's reaction.

I guess if I can find the right guy to scream like that, I'd win.

I choose my target carefully. We end up circling the mall a couple of times before I find the right one. He's a burly guy with a satchel and comes off like he's putting up a front. I sneak the snake into his bag and we follow the guy.

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