Sunday the 5th: Mimura

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I walk down the street, hands in my pockets. I remember this exact scene from so many movies, but usually the character is supposed to be deep in thought. Introspective. Me? I wish.

I raise my head a bit and spot Sugaya staring into the window of a store, his mouth agape. Casually, I walk over to him, catching his attention and acknowledging him with a wave.

"Oh, hey. You trying to figure out what to get Karma too?" He asks.

I glance into the window at some pieces of art on display.

"Yeah. Not really having much luck though."

"Yeah..." He trails off, turning towards the art again. "We just don't have a lot in common. I mean, I like the guy, he's cool, but I've no idea what he'd want for Christmas."

A random thought crosses my mind of some slasher movie, wondering if it's his preferred genre or if he's only into things like Sonic Ninja. Just because a person has a certain personality doesn't mean it always translates to their taste in movies.

"I kind of wish we could just ask him." Sugaya mutters. "Man, alone for Christmas?" He shakes his head.

I get the spark of an idea, rethinking it right after.

"So what are your plans for the holidays?" Sugaya turns to me, done staring at the art.

"Just family stuff. The usual." I respond, noncommittal.

Could I pull it off in time? What could the story be?

"You look like you got something on your mind. Everything okay?" Sugaya asks nonchalantly.

"I just got the idea of making a movie for him, like the one during summer vacation." I stare up at nothing, only parts of ideas floating around in my head. "I've no clue what genre he's into though."

"Oh yeah?" Sugaya perks up, suddenly interested. "If you did, I could totally do costumes and props."

"Yeah, but..." I pull out my phone, tempted more than anything to get something to go off of.

"Just tell him it's for everyone."

"Hm?" I look over at Sugaya again.

"The movie. Just say you're asking for input. He won't know." He explains further.

My mouth opens slightly in surprise. "You're totally right!" I hurriedly send him a message.

Me: What sort of movies you into?

I hope it's not too forward, but maybe the randomness will throw him off.

"Come on." Sugaya waves me forward. "If I'm doing the props and stuff, I'll need some supplies. Might as well head there while waiting for him to respond."

I nod and pocket the phone.

The two of us end up chatting about some of our favorite settings in movies. Sugaya isn't as much of a movie buff as me, but there was a time when he considered becoming a professional prop maker, so he's watched a lot of superhero and horror movies. We end up lost in conversation by the time Karma texts me back. I quickly pull out the phone, Sugaya peeking over my shoulder.

MC: why ask me?

"You just straight up asked him?" Sugaya stares curiously.

Me: Yeah. Ive been itching to make another movie since summer and thought id make one for the whole class. What you into?

"Ah, I see." Sugaya nods.

"There's no way he'll think it's for Christmas." I grin and look over at Sugaya.

"Oh, he's typing." He points out.

We both watch the little notification that shows he's responding.


Both our shoulders slump down.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" I start to type out a response.

"Should've seen that coming." Sugaya agrees.

Me: Anything else?

I watch the typing icon display again.

"If it's going to be bloody, I should stock up on my red paints. And corn syrup." Sugaya heads into a nearby arts and crafts shop.

I slowly follow behind him, still staring at my phone. The message surprises me and I stop mid-step.

MC: a happy ending

A happy ending?

I tilt my head and don't realize I'm blocking the entrance until someone pushes past me so I drop my phone.

"Some people..." the stranger grumbles.

I glare after them, but say nothing. I grab up my phone and brush it off.

Oh good, the screen didn't crack.

I sigh in relief.

minor art lover: mind coming in?

I slide the phone into my pocket and enter the store. Sugaya is waiting just inside the door.

"Whatever we make, might need to overdo the blood to make him happy." He lifts the basket filled with various red paints to emphasize. "Did he say anything else?"

"Actually, he says he wants a happy ending." I scratch the side of my face.

What do I do for that?

Just as I ask myself that, the idea forms itself within seconds. I reimagine our first day of class with Korosensei. What if all the bullets hit and did no damage? Blood, everywhere. What if Nagisa actually killed Takaoka? Blood, everywhere. What if we ended up saving the reaper? Boom, happy ending.

"Hey, anyone in there?" Sugaya leans in closer since his hands are full.

"I know what to make." I hurry past him and grab up various items I think he'll need. "I'm going to do a stop motion video. Think you can make some clay dolls for us to manipulate for that?"

I glance over and see Sugaya's eyes light up.

"Dude, I'm all over that." He sets the basket down and grabs another.


Sugaya gets a surprisingly large discount because he's a regular, in addition to the sale already on some of it for Christmas. We take home tens of thousands of yen worth of stuff, and it only costs a fraction of that. I explain the plan to him on our way to his house and he helps me fill in the adjusted details of the plot.

"And as a side thing, we can give everyone their own clay doll as a present." Sugaya says with a big smile on his face.

"Since the movie's from both of us, can the dolls be from both of us too?" I ask, hoping I'm not being too selfish.

"Course, man!"

We reach his house and I drop everything off at the front door for him.

"I'll head home and work on writing up the storyboard. I'll let you know later tonight what dolls you should work on first. You think we'll be able to start filming later this week? I know it's a rush job." I stand up, my fists on my hips, and stare down at the supplies, excited.

"No problem! My little sister loves art as much as me and she's really good at sculpting, despite her age." He opens the door and moves everything inside. "If I get done sooner, I'll text you."

"Sounds good." I spin around and run off. "See ya later!"

"See ya!" He waves in return.

I pull out my phone while rushing home and change his name from "minor art lover" to "Prop Master".

This movie's gonna be epic!

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