。˚ Chapter 1 - A Strange dream ˚。

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A faint, washed-out light flickered overhead. Or... was it a ceiling?

Your eyes drifted lazily toward the source of the light. It was painfully bright yet strangely dull at the same time, almost as if it couldn't decide what it wanted to be.

Each breath you took was cold, the air stabbing at your lungs as your body recoiled from the sudden chill. You could feel cold metal bars pressing against your skin, caging you in. And somewhere, unseen eyes were watching you.

You reached out toward the light.



You jolted awake, heart racing, the shrill alarm tearing through your head. You were in bed, gasping for air, still half-locked in that dream. The mattress beneath you was as hard as stone.

You turned to your right, glaring at the alarm clock vibrating on the nightstand. With a groan, you slammed a hand down on it, silencing the piercing sound. Slowly, you pulled the thin, scratchy blanket off your legs, feeling the morning chill cling to your skin. A long stretch rippled through your body, loosening the stiffness in your muscles.

Your room was bare and clinical. Chalk-white walls surrounded you, and the few pieces of furniture seemed more functional than comfortable. A minimalistic closet stood open at the far end, near the door to the hall, while another door led to your private bathroom. Only the higher-ups or those nearing promotion had that privilege, and you had lucked out with the latter. Inside the closet, neatly arranged lab coats hung beside a few shirts and pairs of jeans. You hated tight-fitting clothes, so you had stocked up on loose, stretchy denim. Next to the closet, a full-length mirror was taped to the wall—a makeshift solution to stop it from toppling over again.

Dragging yourself out of bed, you trudged over to the closet, yawning deeply. You peeled off your sleep clothes and grabbed a familiar pair of jeans, along with an oversized grey t-shirt. Your lab coat, as always, completed the ensemble.

You glanced in the mirror, taking in the sight of your worn navy sneakers, tousled H/C hair, and tired E/C eyes staring back at you. You ruffled your hair, trying to make yourself look somewhat presentable, but quickly gave up.

Your gaze shifted to the open laptop on the desk. A file on SCP-283 stared back at you, still active from last night.

"Dammit," you muttered, shutting the lid. Beside it lay your metallic name tag, the words "Dr. L/N" engraved on its surface. You pinned it to your coat and took a deep breath, ready to face the day.

It was 6:00 AM when you entered the cafeteria. Despite the early hour, the place was already buzzing with activity. Scientists, test subjects, and administrators filled the room. You joined the line, bracing yourself for whatever questionable breakfast the kitchen had prepared today. To your surprise, it was eggs and toast. A rare win.

With a plate of food in hand, you scanned the room. In the far corner, a familiar face waved you over.

"Y/N!" Anderius "Andy" McCray called out, his grin wide and welcoming. You made your way over, sliding into the seat beside him. He was the kind of friend who could light up any room with his energy. You'd known him since childhood, and though he was far more laid-back and extroverted than you, there was something about his company that made you feel at ease. He'd originally planned to become a psychiatrist but had followed you to the SCP Foundation instead, excelling just as quickly. His dark complexion and sharp hazel eyes gave him a serious air, but that was quickly undone by his constant stream of dad jokes.

"Morning, Andy," you smiled, barely awake but happy to see him.

Across from you sat Isabelle Harper, or Bella, as Andy insisted on calling her. She was a bit of a wildcard in your life, introduced into your circle by Andy not long ago. At first, you weren't thrilled with his matchmaking attempts, but Bella's warmth had won you over in time. Her dyed blue hair and multiple ear piercings contrasted with her gentle demeanor. She smiled at you, her kind grey eyes crinkling at the corners.

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