˚SIDESTORY - Picnic˚

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The sun above warmed your face and you hummed happily, pleased by the nice weather. Though it was kinda cold, with it being autumn, so you wore a jacket.

You sat on a blanket, colored in big red and white rectangles. On the blanket were a few different snacks - some chocolate (only for you though), some grapes, ice tea, and Cat's newly-found favorite candy - gummy worms.

Cat of course also sat beside you, cheerfully chewing. He was in his human form - he had a jacket on too.

The park was not empty, you figured there would be a lot of people there because of the nice weather and the beautiful environment, though it still made you slightly uncomfortable. Crowds had never been your forte.

It was around 4 o'clock and the sun was on its way down, slowly but steadily. Cat gave a glance at you, he then smirked.

"Told ya this would be nice!" he stated, proud.

You glanced back at him.

"I just don't favor people, alright? But you're right. This is nice." you smiled, then looked at what he held onto. "Even though I don't remember buying any candy for you..." you squinted your eyes at him.

He flinched, suddenly beginning to sweat.

"Haha! O-oh, really?? I vividly remember ya buyin' 'em...!" he stuttered, you folded your arms.

"I wouldn't have done that, you're getting your punishment for eating an innocent human," you stated.

Cat groaned.

"Oh c'monnn...! I couldn't find any "bad people", and I was hungry! What was I supposed to do?! Starve??" he complained. "I've wiped out so much crime in my time here; what am I, this city's Batman??" he gestured with his hands.

"Maybe. If Batman ate humans and was a cat on two legs." you shrugged, eating a grape.

"Oh, so, Cannibal Catman?" Cat said in a monotone voice and folded his arms.

You giggled slightly, before exhaling.

"Kitty, you promised not to eat innocent humans. Bella doesn't like it, I'm not really enjoying it either," you explained. "Please don't do that again. If you're hungry, you can come home and I'll make you something. I know it's not the same as human meat for you, but maybe just give it a try?" you asked.

Cat stared at you for a couple of seconds, before sighing.

"Fine." he agreed. "But only 'cuz yer the one askin', Mousey." he voiced.

You smiled warmly at him.

"And also, don't steal." you pointed at the bag of candy.

Cat scoffed.

"Ya don't have full control of me, cutie~" Cat smirked flirtatiously.

You blushed and grunted.

You sat and looked at the trees surrounding you for a couple of seconds, before looking back at Cat.

"How'd it go with returning Viola's phone, by the way?" you gazed at him.

He smiled.

"It went aight. Just Dog being annoying, as always," he snorted.

You hummed.

"You're very bubbly with everyone except Dog, what's with that?" you tilted your head.

Cat glanced away.

"Well, he DID replace me in my cartoon. I have a grudge against 'im, I guess." he shrugged.

"Though I know it wasn't his fault - I've just always felt like he didn't deserve what he got." Cat seemed to think for a bit. "I've always felt he had it much better than me for no reason."

Cartoon Cat x Male Reader (SCP AU)Where stories live. Discover now