。˚Chapter 20 - The first "Normal" day˚。

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Things you need to know:

F/M = Favorite movie

F/S = Favorite show

FV/S = Favorite song

"Is this how TVs look nowadays?!" Cat booped with his finger on the TV screen, his eyes sparkled and he turned his head to you.

You were startled by his fascination at the TV at first, but you soon realized that in the 1940s, TVs looked like literal boxes. Your TV wasn't the newest, but it was fully working and you were happy with it. You really thought Cat would be the kind of individual who would call them television instead of TV, but apparently not. He must've heard someone say TV instead of television before, or he was just ahead of his 40s mindset.

"Uhh... Yeah! They're not boxes anymore" You laughed slightly, pointing to the TV.

Cat looked fascinated, he turned his head to you and smiled.

"This is much better than bein' stuck in that dusty mall at least!" Cat shrugged.

You nodded. Cat looked a little thoughtful, he was quiet for a few moments before he spoke up again.

"What kind of kids shows do they send? Are they any good?" He tilted his head, a curious look on his face.

"Well... I don't like most of them, but I'm sure kids do." You folded your arms and Cat scoffed.

"What cartoons still exist?" He asked, a grin on his face. He seemed really curious about that kinda stuff, but you couldn't blame him, he came from a cartoon after all.

"Err... I believe they stopped sending most cartoons you know a few centuries ago" You said in a monotone voice.

Cat made a dramatic gasp, before turning to you again.

"They took away Betty?!" Cat looked shocked, his ears were perked up and his tail was totally still.

You thought about who he meant, until you realized he was talking about Betty Boop. The cartoon character that was made through the 30s.

"I believe they banned her for her sexual interpretations" You shrugged.

Cat sighed heavily.

"Wow, as fast as a male shows his abs he's just hot, and when a gal shows off her legs she's a whore. Damn! Just let the lasses have some fun" Cat hissed, he folded his arms.

You gave out a quiet laugh and raised an eyebrow.

"In one of my episodes I wore a dress and no one said anythin' except that I was bein' funny!" Cat narrowed his eyes towards the TV and you laughed.

"Y'know, you're making me want to watch your cartoon more and more by the second" You uttered, a smile on your face.

"Nahh, it's old 'n there's better things to watch. But it was definitely the best thing to watch in 1939! Be sure of that!" Cat scoffed.

You leaned against the wall, Cat was still by the TV.

"At least my cartoon wasn't racist and sexist. For a fact, the creator even made my mother African-American! And all the gals did whatever the hell they wanted." Cat commented, you turned your head.

"African-American? Really?" You tilted your head.

"Well... Not officially. My creator made my fur black to symbolize a black person. So I dunno, I have 'sum of that in me. And I very much remember my mother yelling at me in Swahili." Cat shrugged. "It's not a big deal though, no one that watched my cartoon picked up on it." Cat scratched his head. "I think."

Cartoon Cat x Male Reader (SCP AU)Where stories live. Discover now