。˚ Chapter 11 - The Council ˚。

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The morning felt a little slow, and you felt your tense muscles ache at the dinner table. You always had wondered why it was mostly called dinner table, as you ate other meals there too. You decided to call it a meal table instead. Though that did sound a little like you were going to eat the table. Oh well.

This morning, you were having breakfast with your usual gang, though, Cat was there.

You had just started eating, and the conversation was started by Andy:

"So, how is everyone doing?" He happily chomped down on a piece of his sandwich, it had avocado and sliced bell pepper on it.

Everyone nodded and hummed with stifled voices. Cat nodded too and looked around in the room, with him not having to eat. Bella glanced at him.

"You sure you don't want anything? We're glad to give you food if that's the case!" Bella gave a friendly smile after having swallowed her salad.

Cat waved wildly with his hand:

"No need hun, I don't need nutrition" Cat smiled confidently.

Bella gazed with big eyes at Cat, she wanted to ask more questions but didn't wanna turn the breakfast into an interview. She gave an understanding nod and continued eating. You knew that your co-workers would launch questions at you about Cat after breakfast, and you weren't looking forward to it.

You sighed heavily, you ate a little of your B/OC and peeked to your right, where Cat was sitting, looking at you. You and he quickly looked away from each other, and you continued eating.

"I haven't gotten used to the schedule yet, this day is a free workday, right?" Lou asked with a polite tone and you answered:

"Yep! No work for us today" Your mood instantly improved and you sat up a little more straight.

Andy exhaled in relief and uttered:

"God has mercy! I thought that was next week!" He sounded overjoyed and you giggled quietly at his weird behavior.

Louise and Bella exchanged a "look" and laughed quietly themselves.

It was all things considered a lovely morning, until:

The door suddenly opened and you all shifted your eyes to it. At first 2 force members slowly and hesitantly stepped in, and thereafter Ms. Callie Fuller stepped in. She was tall and lanky, she had a lab coat that looked too small for her. Her hair was almost to her elbows, and it was colored in a ginger color. Her freckles covered her whole face and seemed to embrace her dark green eyes. She had butterfly-shaped silver earrings and her facial expression looked grim.

"Good morning, the name's Ms. Callie Fuller, I am a highly ranked security chief, as Ms. Mason wasn't able to come here." She yawned lightly, completely nonchalant to all the eyes that were staring at her.

"Let's get to the point, Dr. Y/N L/N, SCP 34570, you're coming with me." Her eyes were strict and it gave you a feeling of... being lectured? Like when you had done something bad as a child and your teacher were growling at you.

You raised your eyebrows and looked at Cat, who looked just as spooked as you did.

Everyone was staring at her, and she sighed and voiced:

"C'mon, we ain't got all day"

You awoke from your trance of surprise, and managed to stammer out:

"Huh? Why so, Ms. Fuller?" The ms title she had gave her an even sturdier feeling of her being superior to you.

She gazed at you with strict eyes, and answered immediately, almost being in your sentence.

"You're meeting the council, now chop chop." She waved impatiently with her arms for you to come and you obediently complied.

Cartoon Cat x Male Reader (SCP AU)Where stories live. Discover now