。˚Chapter 16 - A different Purr-spective˚。

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(Hello there! If you were wondering, yes, this whole chap will be from Cat's POV. Have funsies)

Cat walked out of the staff room, quickly closing the door behind him. He breathed out in relief of getting out of there, and went into his room.

He looked around his wooden floor and yellow walls, plus the white and neatly cleaned bed of his that he had never used and didn't plan on using. As he was originally nocturnal, he usually slept during the day. Though, he had changed his sleeping schedule to nighttime, (If he now decided to sleep), due to Mousey being awake during the daytime. Cat shook his head violently, sitting down clumsily on his soft bed.

Cat's head was spinning with thoughts about you, he groaned loudly and scratched his head. He had surely planned on catching the human if he fell, but that wasn't the most efficient way. Cat sighed heavily, feeling himself blush bright red.

He leaned on his hand, giving an annoyed grunt at his own behavior. He gazed at the yellow walls, he really loved those. For a fact, yellow was his favorite color. But it brought him little joy looking at the walls, as he had his hands... paws... whatever they were, full of daydreaming about you. He went out of the staff room because he wanted to stop thinking about you, but it didn't help at all.

The reason for Cat not wanting to think about you was unknown, or, somewhat unknown. You gave him these weird warm feelings that he had never felt before, and it creeped him out. At first, you were just a toy to him. Something for him to play around with for a while through teasing and getting close to you, but you interested him, and now Cat's stuck here. He had thought of killing you to remove the weird feelings he got around you, but he just couldn't do it. He wanted to protect and be near you, and apparently, he couldn't seem to hurt you for anything. The night he stayed in your room, he felt actual concern for you. And the time you started crying, everything Cat wanted to do was hold and comfort you, he hated seeing you cry more than he hated dogs! Which was strange, 'cuz he usually adored human suffering and crying, especially if the human trusts him at first, that way he gets to watch the horror and feelings of betrayal in the small creature's eyes as he rips them apart limb by limb. Do all humans have these... Bizarre feelings for each other?

Cat grabbed his ears and squeezed them, letting out a sound of frustration and confusion.

But the worst of all... Was that he actually didn't dislike the feelings. They made him feel comforted and warm, and they made Cat want more. That was what made him want to stop feeling them, the fact that he enjoyed feeling them. He hated that he cared for you so much. He had always thought of himself as a: "Me first and everyone else second" kinda cat, but he actually considered putting you amongst himself in ranking!

*This is all messed up..!* Cat thought, blushing intensely.

He thought about what to do, and at last, he came up with an idea. He'd go out and kill some people! That always got him in a better mood. And it wasn't like it was hard to get out, he just went through the ventilation system, or he'd just sneak out. He was a master of stealth, after all. Cat smirked at the idea, surely that would get his mind off of you. Though, he decided to do it at nighttime. He denied the fact that he decided to do so because he didn't wanna leave you hanging if you came over for a chat and he wasn't there. He nodded to himself as he waited for everyone to go to sleep.

Some time had passed, a couple of hours maybe. He had 15 minutes prior heard the human's voices saying goodbye to each other, as well as their light footsteps as they headed to bed. He had heard the doors closing, and now, he settled that the coast was clear. He changed his mass to one of only ink, as he slid under his door and out into the living quarter's hallway. He reformed himself and considered his options.

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