。˚Chapter 14 - Hostile Deer vs Killer Kitty˚。

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You breathed in, staring ahead at your laptop. The room was cold and its light were bright, as you read attentively. You felt subtle chills crawl across your spine as you inhaled and exhaled the cold air. You pulled your lab coat closer to your body.

You were sitting and reading an information page about SCP-053 in the staff room. Reading about this SCP wasn't required of you, but you did it because of personal interest. The event with the council had given you the insight to relax a bit and to spend a little time on yourself. It happened a few days prior, and you still had the growing feeling of discomfort whenever you thought about it. So, to pay a little respect to yourself, you were reading an interesting SCP information page and listening to music. But suddenly, you were startled by a sound.

You quickly rotated your head towards the source of the sound, the door. There stood Bella, with her usual gentle grey eyes and her contrasting blue hair. She was wearing a shirt that was tie-dyed, the colors were white and pastel pink. It suited her, and it kind of made her look like some kind of candy in color. Though, her lab coat looked a bit messily put on. She smiled at you as she stepped into the room, and you took out your earphones.

"Hi Y/N! How're you doing?" Her voice sounded friendly and she smiled lightly.

You smiled back:

"Hello, I'm doing good" You stretched.

"Great! I have good news!" Bella looked energetic and her smile was even wider this time.

You got curious about what her news was, due to Bella's energetic mood. The only time she got THIS excited and happy about something was when either an SCP was friendly, or she was greeting someone's pet.

"Do tell!" You gazed at her with big eyes.

"You and Cat are visiting some friendly SCP's!" Bella clapped her hands and giggled.

You raised an eyebrow:

"Friendly SCP's? That's it?" You tilted your head and Bella looked a bit offended.

"Nonono, it's more than that! Your meeting multiple at once! And I'm joining" Bella gave you a determined look and smiled.

You looked confused.

"Okay, go get Cat and I'll explain when we're there" Bella sighed and waved for you to come over.

You shrugged and closed your laptop, leaving it on the table. You walked out the door, Bella right behind you. She walked to the exit of your private living quarters, as you went to get Cat.

You opened the door to Cat's room, and there he was. Cat seemed bored, his ears were flopped down slightly and his tail was still. Cat was examining his gloves for dirt, and you interrupted his cleaning session:

"Hi Cat" You smiled at him and he looked up at you.

"Mouseyyy~! Fancy meetin' you here" Cat walked up to you, smiling.

You nodded:

"Come, we are going to an interaction" You opened the door for Cat, and he walked out. You soon followed him.

"With who?" Cat's tail was swinging back and forth, and you two walked towards Bella.

"I have no idea, multiple apparently. Bella is taking us there, she's coming with." You shrugged.

"Neat!" Cat strutted beside you, he was feeling positive today.

"Hello Cat!" Bella was still in a good mood, which hyped Cat up even more.

"Heya!" Cat waved with both hands.

Bella laughed quietly and opened the door that led to the rest of the foundation. You all walked out into the facility's corridors.

Cartoon Cat x Male Reader (SCP AU)Where stories live. Discover now