。˚Chapter 28 - Save him˚。

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Siren head was walking up front, Viola was walking beside Dog and she raised her voice.

"What is Cat doing...?" She asked hesitantly, she feared that the words "eating" would come up. She had a bad feeling about Cat's diet, as he seemed to hang out with a living siren that enjoyed human meat.

Siren head didn't respond, he only silently took his steps. Dog growled lightly.

"AHEM. What is Cat doing??" Dog asked Siren. He gave an apologetic look to Viola, she nodded to him to say that it was fine.

"I don't know. He said he was going to the second cabin." Siren responded. "He was all mopey." He continued. Dog tilted his head, he made a face. Viola frowned.

They walked for a little while until Viola could see a small cabin appear in front of them. It had a big hole in the roof, it was moldy and smelled rotten. Viola gripped her nose to protect herself against the stench.

"He should be around here." Siren head spoke, he went up to the cabin and looked around.

Dog sniffed the air and Viola looked around, what would Cat be doing? Just sitting somewhere?

"'Sup Sirey! What'cha doin' here?" Cat asked, he appeared sitting on a large tree branch in a tree next to the cabin. His legs swung back and forth in the air, his eyes were big and dilated.

"Heard yer little tantrum, did ya see a human or somethin'?" he scratched his ear, giving an annoyed look.

Viola flinched, she looked up at Cat with big eyes. Dog wagged his tail, Siren head waved.

"Cartoon Cat, Dog has a human with him." Siren head spoke up, he pointed to Viola.

Cat at first looked at Dog, he looked bored. His eyes soon shifted to Viola. His eyes got stuck on her and they stared awkwardly at each other.

He soon narrowed his eyes, stretched out his legs, and got down to the ground. He went up to her with cold eyes. He stared and Viola shuddered.

"Can I help you?" Cat put his hands behind his back in a polite manner, his expression was emotionless and his tail was fully still. She looked up at him, she frowned.

"Cat. I'm sorry, it's my fault you and Y/N fought! You need to talk to him!" Viola cried out, his ears folded down, he gazed at her and made a sad expression.

"No, it's not yer fault sweets. It was... Bound to happen anyway" Cat shrugged, he had a hard time saying the sentence and made awkward pauses in it. His ears were sad and his tail hung down. 

"So, shoo. Go home" Cat glared at her, he turned around and started walking away.

Viola flinched, she ran up to behind him and Dog was close behind.

"B-but, please! You need to talk to each other!" Viola exclaimed, she went after Cat and he rolled his eyes.

"No." He replied simply, he went further into the forest and Dog and Viola were following him. Siren stayed at the cabin, it seemed.

"Cat, where are you even going?!" Dog barked, he tilted his head. Cat gave a heavy sigh.

"Why should ye care?!" He hissed, Dog made a face.

"You need to talk, you can't just leave him!" Viola growled, she felt herself get angry.

Cat suddenly stopped. He turned his head to her, Viola got chills by his expression. He looked shocked, offended even.

"You think I wanted this?! HE YELLED AT ME TO LEAVE FOR FUCK'S SAKE" he screamed and turned around fully, Viola flinched and Dog made a protective stance.

Cartoon Cat x Male Reader (SCP AU)Where stories live. Discover now