。˚Chapter 3 - Strangely... Endearing?˚。

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"What are they thinking?!" You aggressively stabbed a meatball and put it in your mouth.

You quickly chewed and swallowed, continuing with your rant.

"Sending an inexperienced researcher to an SCP of KETER class!"

You, Andy, and Bella were sitting in the cafeteria at lunch, and you had spent the latest 20 minutes rambling about how stupid it was that you were being sent to an SCP of Keter class.

"Did they specifically say Keter class?" Andy rubbed his hazel brown eyes gave you a curious look. He was tired at the start of the lunch, because of him oversleeping and missing breakfast.

"Are you sure that there's nothing you misunderstood?" Bella was chewing on a piece of salad and playing around with her flower-shaped earring.

"Yes! It is Keter class, and no! I did NOT misunderstand!" You sounded frustrated and your E/C eyes were beaming with anger.

Andy sighed and Bella shrugged.

"Though I gotta admit, that DOES sound pretty sketchy..." Andy gave you an understanding look and patted you on the back.

Bella nodded and continued eating her food, they were serving pasta and meatballs today.

"Right?!" You waved frantically with your hands and looked panicked.

"It's alright Y/N, whenever they assign someone to a Keter class they always have the right protection, especially if they hand-picked you as a researcher." Bella looked empathetic and gave a friendly smile.

You hid your face in your palms, thinking of how unaware Bella and Andy were, to not know the full seriousness about the lab rats of the organization, the organization could TOTALLY just let you die if they liked.

"And it's apparently sentient too..." You mumbled as if to make them not hear you,  but miraculously, they did.

"SENTIENT?!" Andy slammed his hands into the table and other employees started staring yet again.

"Are you supposed to talk to it?!" Andy stared at you with determined eyes, and you were about to sob for an answer but...

"Dr. McCray! You're not exactly helping Dr. L/N with feeling any better!" Bella pierced Andy with her gaze and Andy sat back down, flustered.

Bella sighed and said:

"Look Y/N, if they decide to assign you to a Keter class, plus a sentient SCP, they probably have intentions of keeping you alive. You will be fine, besides, what if the SCP is on our side?" Bella smiled and clasped her hands together as a comforting gesture.

You relaxed a bit to Bella's logical words, plus, didn't Dr. Skeldon and Dr. Meskill say something 'bout a self hand-in?

They did, didn't they?

You calmed down and breathed out, before saying:

"Andy, I think this researcher job fits you better than the psychiatrist one. Even though everything you would do was to research mental illnesses" You gave a quick glance to Andy and lightly pushed him on the shoulder, all while having a mischievous grin on your face.

Andy gave an offended gasp and pushed you back, he was trying to hide his smirk.

Bella smiled in relief that everyone had calmed down, and you continued your lunch.

After you had all eaten, you were on your way to a computer to check your email. Dr. Meskill said he would send you your new schedule, and you were nervous as ever.

You picked up the pace when nearing the office room, and you quickly stepped inside it and opened your computer.

The dark screen showed a required field of a username and a password, and you typed in:

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