。˚ Chapter 23 - Crime Scene ˚。

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Your eyes quickly opened, woken up by the sudden sound. You sat up and yawned, noticing that it was your phone that was going off. It was an alarm.

You turned it off, rubbing your eyes before gazing at the screen.

08:30 AM, Monday

You stretched and hopped out of bed, changing out of your pajamas and getting into some normal clothes. A plain t-Shirt with loose jeans. Very basic.
You were about to walk out the door when you saw a paper taped to it. The letters were cursive and pretty, the handwriting was like the ones you'd see in old letters from the 40s. You had an idea of who had written it:

Morning! It's Cartoon Cat, if ya didn't figure. Hehe. You fell asleep last night, silly! I put you to bed, hope you had a good rest. Anyways! I finally figured out how to put an alarm on your phone, so now I'm sure you won't miss work :D.
Turn me —>

You turned the page.

I'm out doing some stuff, won't be home until at least 4 o'clock. Have an awesome day, miss you already!
Yours truly, Cat <3.
(PS: Don't ask how I know your working schedule, thank you)

You read it and raised an eyebrow, giving a slight smile. Cat was real strange. You took down the note from the door and put it on your bed, going out of the bedroom to do your morning routine. You ate breakfast, then brushed your teeth and your hair.

You took the lab coat in your room as well, putting it on. It would look a little strange for people that saw you, but who cares. You shrugged and stretched, you weren't allowed to have your phone with you, so you left it at home. You walked out the door, going towards the bus stop that had the bus going to site-19.

You rode the bus, arriving after an hour. You stepped out of it, jogging towards the site, being a little worried that you were late.
You arrived at the site, it was quite well hidden in the thick woods, you scanned your keycard that you had in the lab coat's pocket, the long fence gate making a "ding!" Sound before letting you in. You stepped in, yawning and scratching in your H/C hair. Four security guards stood beside the entrance, they stared at you.

"Name, Job, and keycard please." One of them stated, putting out their hand.

"Y/N L/N, researcher." You handed over your keycard. They gave a quick look at it before giving it back and nodding for you to step inside the building.

You took it, going inside the building. The big hall was full as always, voices of people talking overflowed in your ears. You put your hands in your pockets, going up to the reception.

"Hello. This is the first time I work away from the foundation, I lived here before. My name is Y/N L/N, could you check my work schedule?" You asked politely. The man behind the counter gave a friendly nod. He had long black hair in a braid, his brown eyes looked calm and friendly, he reminded you of Bella in a way.

"Of course" He responded, typing in your name on the computer and reading speedily.

"Ah, Dr. L/N, You're working with Dr. Isabelle Harper and Dr. Anderius McCray today. You'll be observing SCP 066 in 5 minutes." He looked up at you. "Its cell is in the left part of the foundation, a floor down. You should hurry." He nodded to himself.

You gave a bow.

"Thank you..." You read his name tag. "Drew Hersey." You finished. Drew nodded.

You jogged away towards SCP 066's cell, in the left of the site, one floor down.

You could smell the familiar scent of bleach and dried blood in the containment cell corridors, it made you want to sneeze. You held it in, continuing to jog.

Cartoon Cat x Male Reader (SCP AU)Where stories live. Discover now