Slow Dancing | Prologue - 01

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18th birthday, 2015

To wake up on the morning of your eighteenth birthday with the soulmate mark appearing on your skin was truly the best gift that you could ever ask for. Even if you had never once expected to feel such happiness when those numbers slowly materialised on your left wrist when you opened your eyes first thing that morning.

For many, it was something that they had been expecting their entire life to happen, so much so that you had heard stories about people around you who would stay up all night while staring at their wrist, waiting for the moment their countdown would appear on their skin.

For you, the wait had been nerve-wracking.

You had tried so hard not to make it such a big deal, even as the clock was ticking to mark the morning of your birthday and while the people around you seemed to be hyping up the moment as if they were a part of it.

Growing up, you had never let the concept of soulmates get over your head. But there was really nothing that you could do about it when everyone around you had been so fixated about it. Some had even gotten so obsessed with it that they had made it seem like it was the only thing they were expecting in life.

But that had changed on the morning of your eighteenth birthday, when you opened your eyes and felt the tingles of the mark showing up on your skin, and you let those tingles make their way to your heart and fill it with happiness, knowing what it truly meant.

When a person celebrates their eighteenth birthday, the universe will grant them a soulmate.

To mark their special gift, a moving tattoo in the form of a timer display would appear on their wrist, counting down to the moment when that person would meet their soulmate for the first time. Once their first encounter happens and the timer counts down to zero, the tattoo will change its form, showing their soulmate's initials written in place of the missing numbers and the image of a certain type of flower which carries the same meaning as what their bond would represent.

Slow Dancing | KNJ / JJK | 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now