Slow Dancing | ten | save your love - 01

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chapter ix

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chapter ix. save your love

 save your love

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Something feels different.

Jungkook can sense it even before he opens his eyes. Even the fog that seems to fill the crevices in his head can do nothing to stop him from noticing how foreign everything around him feels.

The warmth enveloping him.

The soft touch of sheets under his palms.

The thick, plushy pillows where his head seems to be resting on.

The feminine scent of perfume that seems to be wafting through the air around him, gently breezing past him like delicate hands teasing on his skin.

As he slowly finds the strength to open his eyes and force himself to wake up, Jungkook's eyes flutter open to the warm morning sun greeting him from the open windows. As he stretches out his sore limbs, little by little, the remaining haze of his sleep is lifted, and he stops moving as he is immediately met with an astounding sight of his surroundings. His eyes grow wide the moment he realises that he has indeed fallen asleep in a completely different bedroom, lying on a different bed, with windows on the opposite side of the walls that are nearly twice as big as the ones that he has been looking out of since he had gotten on this island. He looks around, and everything that he is seeing officially confirms that he had not been sleeping in Yugyeom's room.

Slow Dancing | KNJ / JJK | 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now