Slow Dancing | seven | then we fall - 02

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Jungkook had no idea what to expect when he returned to the studio.

It wasn't that he had deliberately left the room when he knew you were coming. He just couldn't exactly refuse when his producer had asked him to come and check the archive files in another studio before they could continue their mixing process tonight. He had thought that he would only be leaving for a short while, thinking that he should finish up what he could so that he could wait for you without any disruption. He hadn't expected that he would be away for so long, and it shouldn't have taken him by surprise to find that you had arrived while he was still out.

The only thing that he was not expecting to find was to see that Namjoon had been in the studio to wait for him as well.

He still has no idea what happened while he was gone, but he knows that something must have gone down. All the years he spent being together with you had allowed him to learn how to read your moods and to see the signs when something is wrong—from the way your shoulders would tense when you are holding back your emotions, to the way he can feel your rage rolling out of you even when you fake a smile and pretend that things are okay.

It was easy for him to see how upset you were when you were stepping out of the studio, barely able to avoid colliding against him when he was just about to enter at the same time, though he cannot even begin to think of what could have been the reason for you to be on the edge or if it had anything to do with Namjoon being in the studio when you came in.

And now, he can feel the tension in the room growing so thick that Jungkook can imagine himself cutting through it with a knife just to be able to breathe. Namjoon had excused himself earlier, only for Jungkook to stop him from leaving. He has no idea why he did it, other than the fact that he had always wanted his good friend and his fiancé to get along. But now, as he is sitting together with you by his side on the small couch at the corner of the studio to enjoy the dinner that you had made for him, sharing a few dishes with Namjoon who is sitting across from him, he can feel the tension coming stronger from you, and he begins to question if he had made a mistake of inviting his friend to stay.

"...glad I decided to add in some extra rice just in case you needed more since I know you always get hungry while you're working, so we can share with your friend," your voice snaps him back to the present, and he quickly smiles at you, feeling grateful that you had gone through so much trouble in cooking for him and to bring them all the way here, though the way you seem so nervous when you were speaking doesn't sit well with him.

He chalks it off by thinking that perhaps it is all due to Namjoon being here, which is the reason why he has been trying his best to lighten things up so that everyone will feel more comfortable around each other.

"This is all so good, babe. You've gone through so much trouble for this. Thank you," he says to you while he looks over everything that you had set up for him. He is surprised to see that you have cooked so much that he begins to wonder if he had missed out on something that you may have wanted to celebrate tonight. But then he looks over to notice that you had barely eaten enough when you had let him and Namjoon enjoy the meal more. "Are you sure you're eating enough? You should eat more. You shouldn't worry about us, we can get something else later if we need some snacks."

Slow Dancing | KNJ / JJK | 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now