Slow Dancing | nine | flights and pieces - 02

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You had barely spent a whole day at your sister's place when the feeling hit you.

It had come out of nowhere and completely without any warning sign. It simply happened right as you were sitting down for dinner and just when you were finally able to enjoy your time with your family without any thought of your problems distracting you.

Nothing could prepare you for what was completely unexpected.

It had started with an unsettling feeling coiling in your stomach that was making it hard for you to stay calm in your seat. Then the urge to rush out of the place started overtaking you to the point that it had become the only thing that you could think of. You had managed to hold it back for a moment until a scorching pain erupted inside your chest, making it hard for you to even breathe. It didn't take long for your sister to notice the way you were acting, and it had made her grow concerned, thinking that you were ill at first, before she finally realised what was truly wrong with you.

It was only after she sat down and helped you to understand what was truly happening when it finally sunk in. Though figuring out what was wrong with you had not made it any easier for you either.

Knowing the reason behind it had only made your rage boil to the extreme. You had thought that you had it under control, that if you had enough faith in yourself and believed that you could be stronger, then it would have never happened and you would be able to prove to everyone that you had been right in your conviction that the soulmate bond would never be able to weaken your resolve.

Perhaps you were wrong, after all.

During the final moments that you spent at your sister's place, you sat down with your thoughts, wondering how you had let it all happen.

Today had not been the first time for you to be out of Namjoon's fancy penthouse and away from him. Even while you are staying with him, you have both been going about with your days the way you used to, going to work like you normally would and using each of your personal time when you are not spending them together to do your own things separately—like how he would disappear in his private gym or work overtime in his room after coming back from work while you would be busy with your research whenever you are not on your phone calls to find Jungkook.

With that much time spent apart, you had expected that it would be enough to curb any chance for the bond to take its full form, that the platonic relationship you have been building with Namjoon would win over and that today would not be any different than most even if you are spending a longer time away from him.

But as always, it had seemed like fate would always have the final say, and it had chosen the right time to strike, just as you were growing complacent with the situation that you would not have been able to see it coming.

It is not until later, after you finally decided to cut your family time short and then came rushing back to the penthouse many hours earlier than expected, when you can finally find your calm once more. The serene feeling engulfs you the moment you walk into his home, once you are surrounded by his space, his things, breathing in the scent of his perfume which seems to linger in the air like a warm hug.

Slow Dancing | KNJ / JJK | 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now