Slow Dancing | two | fallen pieces - 01

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chapter ii. fallen pieces

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New York, 2021

How often would the thought of your soulmate—your actual soulmate—cross your mind over the years?

Almost never.

Well, okay—perhaps he would come to mind once or twice. Perhaps whenever his name or face would appear in your thoughts, you would find yourself typing his name on your computer, randomly Googling anything about him to find out where he is now.

On some occasions, you wouldn't even be thinking of him and you would randomly see or hear his name being mentioned somewhere. It is pretty impossible to escape it when he has become someone who is quite well known in the media. Not only for his work and all of the accomplishments that he had achieved ever since you met him last, but also for the way he had gained attention from the way he presents himself and for the people he has been hanging out with.

Which is exactly what the photos being displayed on your computer screen are now showing you. Kim Namjoon, your soulmate, the man that you met that night at the party back in college, was a tall and attractive man with good looking hair and a bright smile that was enough to light up the room. The man that he is today has a broad chest and a pair of strong shoulders to back up his body height. His hair always looks immaculate, but it is his bright smile that catches your eyes, the kind of smile which would not only light up the room but would also win people's hearts and trust so easily.

Perhaps that would be the reason why he is so successful, you silently wonder, as you continue to look at his photo.

" life is just starting. I still have so many things that I want to do, so far to go, and I can't let any changes come my way. I like the way my life is now, why change it?"

Namjoon's words always come back to you whenever you are reminded of him. Looking at him now, you can see that he had gotten everything that he had wished for. As an entrepreneur who had built a rising recording company gaining multiple praises and public acknowledgements, his business seems to be thriving and expanding further each year. He also seems to have a good life, captured in many pictures shared on social media either when he is attending any fancy event while donning his expensive suits—and they would always get filled up perfectly in his figure—or when he is out travelling and enjoying life the way he should.

Slow Dancing | KNJ / JJK | 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now