Slow Dancing | three | a little faith - 03

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Right on the other side of the city, only a few hours away from Jungkook's apartment, a different pair of lovers are lost in their blissful moment.

The daylight is still high. The world outside is still in motion. But everything else is silenced when the master bedroom is filled with the synchronised sounds of low, breathless groans and delighted moans, and when the sound of the bed frame constantly hitting the wall becomes louder than the white noise from the city below.

"Oh, Namjoon—" a sharp cry echoes against the walls as Namjoon pushes harder, drilling his cock deeper into his partner's pussy until she is trembling beneath him, her nails sinking into his skin as he keeps fucking her harder, increasing his pace with each moan she makes.

"I thought you like it rough, hmm?" Namjoon teases her as he slows down, though he only does so just to grab her legs and lift them up around his waist so he could have a better angle, just so he could reach deeper, and to have her thrashing and writhing more as he continues his relentless pounding. "Like that, baby girl?"

"Fuck, yes! Harder!" she cries out to beg, repeating it over and over again until Namjoon finally complies and starts giving it to her harder, and faster, rapidly picking up his pace when the pleasure comes rising so fast that he can no longer hold back. And he just keeps on going, driving her over the edge with each pound of his cock. He reaches down as her cries grow louder, placing one palm around her throat with a light pressure that is not quite enough to cut her airway, but enough to show her that he is in control.

"I know you're close," he groans while he keeps thrusting in and out of her. "Let go and cum around my cock already," he says just as he releases his grip on her leg to reach between them, finding her clit to give a hard pinch that sends her plunging deep into her bliss.

A low grunt comes out of Namjoon when he feels her pussy pulse around him, clenching around his girth tightly as the orgasm comes tearing through her body. The intensity of her orgasm comes so strong that it is enough to push him closer to the edge. Right as her whole body pulses in her climax, Namjoon's body tense with his incoming orgasm. With a few more rapid strokes, added with the intense spasms of her release clutching around him, he finally follows her close behind, releasing his cum inside her pulsing walls to its very last drop.

They both stop moving altogether for a moment even as the pulses running through their bodies have faded. The tension in their bodies takes a while to wane at the crest of their climaxes. Sated and content, Namjoon's lover of the day falls lax beneath him while the man can barely stay composed as he pulls out of her. Still wearing a pleased grin on his face, Namjoon sits back and makes quick work of discarding his condom before collapsing on the bed to lie next to her.

For a brief moment, the silent room is filled with nothing else but the sounds of their heavy breathing. Their bodies are slick with sweat even if the air around them feels cold, but neither makes a move to hold each other as they lay in silence.

Slow Dancing | KNJ / JJK | 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now