Slow Dancing | epilogue i - 02

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"Do you want me inside you? Can you take it, baby?"
Jungkook questions you, as if he could read your thoughts simply by letting you try to pleasure yourself by using his body. His hands remain still as they are resting on your hips, staying where they are just to keep you steady instead of being the one to guide you, letting you figure out for yourself just what you need so that he can give it to you.

"Yessss—God, Jungkook. I need you," you whine at him when the feeling of discomfort slowly wanes, with only the soft flutters of pleasure remaining. And your pleas are enough to give him permission to finally take back control.

As his eyes are lifted to look at your face, you can see his desire returning in them. He digs his fingers into your skin and grabs a tight hold on you, before he begins lifting you up, drawing a protest when you are no longer pressed on top of him. Thankfully, you know where this is going, and he confirms it by commanding you gently, "Hold on, baby."

Taking heed of the warning tone in his voice, you settle your palms on his chest to keep your body up as he gently positions you over his waiting cock. At some point, right in the midst of your blissful daze, you had felt his appendage growing harder against your rear cheeks, but almost thought nothing of it when the ache in your pussy had taken all of your awareness. Now, however, his hard shaft seems to demand your full attention as it springs free beneath you, as if searching for contact.

Jungkook settles you back down on his cock, though the new position only allows you to feel the length of his shaft slipping between your folds and resting perfectly against the pulsing ache. Once again, you lose control of your body when you begin rocking against him, sliding your soaking cunt across his shaft.

"Open your eyes and tell me that this is what you want, baby. I don't want to push you too far." You hear Jungkook's voice fading in and out between the blissful fog that is beginning to fill your mind. Blinking your eyes, you allow them to flutter open so you can see his face, and you find yourself begging, refusing to stop.

"I want it. I want it all. Please make love to me," you say to him between the sound of your whimpers and moans, and then you begin raking your fingernails down his bare chest, doing it all while looking deep into his eyes as you whisper to him between each rock of your hips, "Didn't I tell you that every...second...counts?"

"Yesss—" Jungkook hisses out softly. His head falls back as he savours the feeling of your wet pussy moving back and forth, sliding from the base of his cock to the tip, giving him the kind of pleasure that feels exhilarating that he can't even be sure that he would remain in control. "Yes, you did," he groans, snapping himself out of it for a brief moment just so he can focus on lifting your weight from his body and positioning you right where you should be. This time, he reaches down, wrapping one of his hands around his girth and starts stroking himself a few times, before aligning its tip right at your opening.

Holding your hips in a steady hold, he slowly lowers your body back down on him and he sinks into your heat. Your cries erupt as he fills you with his width, his cock feels like the perfect fit as he buries himself deep inside you, pushing in and moving his hips at a steady pace while his eyes never once look away from your face.

Slow Dancing | KNJ / JJK | 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now