Slow Dancing | four | homecoming (i) - 02

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"Home sweet home," Jungkook says as he opens the door to his apartment to welcome you.

Entering the apartment, your heart starts beating like crazy. You had only stayed here briefly before you had to leave Seoul, and only during the time you were waiting for the day of your departure after letting go of your old apartment. The only memory you have had of this place serves you no justice as Jungkook had only previously moved in to this place at the time that he didn't have enough furnitures to fill this place. Not even little trinkets to fill his empty walls.

Standing in the middle of the living room, you take a good look around and embrace the place as it will be your new home. Jungkook had done a lot to change the place and make it comfortable, and you love everything that he had done so far.

New pieces of furniture fill the room nicely. Small trinkets which include framed pictures, all the small decorations that you had once bought for him to fill his old apartment, and a couple of paintings that all seem new are filling the walls perfectly to make the space feel homey.

While comparing this place to how you remember it then, you begin to remember the shoebox apartment in which he was living in right after graduation. It was you who did the best you could to make that small place of his comfortable enough to live in. Even though you hadn't been living with him before, you still spent most of your time at that old place of his despite the fact that you had your own place. Time had been hard back then, yet you had created a ton of sweet memories together that you still cherish to this day and ones that would make you smile each time you think back about the past. Thinking about this gives you hope that you can finally build new memories as you are prepared to have a future together with him.

At one of the corners in the room, you find the pile of boxes that you had sent out from your rented place back in New York. It makes you smile to think about adding your touches to your new home. As if knowing what you are thinking about, Jungkook smiles at you as he carefully places your suitcases together with your other things before returning to you.

"Welcome home, baby," he whispers to you as he takes you back into his arms where you easily melt into.

"Hmmm—home. I like the sound of that," you whisper as you rest your head on his shoulder and hear him laughing softly at your words.

"You must be tired."

You close your eyes with a sigh and nod before looking at him. "Quite a bit. Why?"

"I did say that you're not the only one who has been feeling the pain," he admits to you while pressing his lips on top of your head, allowing you to feel his despair even before he says a thing about it. "The past year has been—lonely."

His confession warms your heart. It would be obvious that you share the same feeling when you tighten your arms around his waist. Slowly, the exhaustion you have been feeling since you had gotten off the flight is being trampled by a new kind of need. The need to connect to your boyfriend and to make up for your lonely nights begin to grow stronger the longer you are in his arms and the more you breathe in his comforting scent.

Slow Dancing | KNJ / JJK | 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now