Slow Dancing | two | fallen pieces - 02

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chapter ii. fallen pieces - 2

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Seoul, 2021

By the time Namjoon arrives back at his apartment, any interest of his to go out tonight has perished.

There is an unsettling feeling that keeps nagging at him in the back of his mind ever since his meeting with Jungkook. Although, it wasn't even Jungkook's fault but his own. Or, perhaps, to put it lightly, his personal vendetta against the soulmate system.

Outside, the sun has yet to set and the sky is still bright. Nighttime is still hours away, and yet here he is, standing in his living room while looking out the window, with a glass of scotch in his hand. He may no longer need to escape his thoughts by going out in the crowd, but he sure needs the drink.

Namjoon had meant it when he said that he was jealous of Jungkook. To be honest, he had felt so envious of the boy for a long time. Today, he had just been given a new reason to feel it more.

Ever since he was a student, Jungkook had always seemed like he had a promising future hanging on his shoulders. A good looking boy with good records in his studies starting from the beginning of college. Even as a shy boy, Jungkook had never found any problems in making friends. Everyone loved him, either male or female students, even the professors on campus. Everyone would flock around him whenever he was around. He may not be the life of the party at times, when he would rather stand in the corner somewhere chatting to a friend or two, but people would look around and easily get drawn to him.

And now look at Jungkook today.

All those great records that Jungkook had gained through college had been worth it once he graduated. Jungkook has become an aspiring musician who is also known to be a quick learner, hence why the interest to sign him had been talked about here and there, only that nobody had the gall to actually make the move. Until Namjoon did. After talking with him today, Namjoon had also found out that Jungkook is also a talented producer who has been showing his talent in making videos on the side, even if he has yet to do it more seriously. As if all of those merits aren't enough, Jungkook had also met the love of his life, something that not everyone would be so lucky enough to find in their lifetime.

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