Slow Dancing | nine | flights and pieces - 04

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The night has grown late when you return to the guest bedroom. The room feels so foreign in the silence, and you keep the lights off as you take a seat at the foot of the bed. The sheets feel colder than how they used to be while your body still burns hot, humming with the mix of sensations that have been running through you for the past few hours and after what had transpired earlier with Namjoon back in his bedroom.

But the rush that still lingers doesn't get all the way inside your head when what you are feeling inside your chest takes center stage. Deep inside, your heart feels icy cold, growing extremely tight with guilt and despair overtaking you. And you do nothing to fight it, knowing how much you deserve to feel so terrible about yourself. To feel terrible for how far you had let things go.

Closing your eyes, you take a long, deep and shaky breath, and yet you fail to reach that sense of calm that you have been searching for.

Once, many years ago, you had once believed that the soulmate bond was the most wonderful gift that the universe could give to a person. Now that you have finally given in, there is nothing else that you feel but pain. The pain of knowing that you had put another bond aside—the one that you were supposed to be fighting for, and the one that you had put all of your faith into.

That had been the reason why you had decided to leave Namjoon's bed in the middle of the night, long after he had asked you to stay by his side.

"Stay with me tonight. I promised to hold you, didn't I? Let me take care of you, _______," he had whispered to you when he pulled your trembling figure into his arms, ready to pick up all of your broken pieces and help you mend everything back together.

You had stayed for a while, only because you didn't want to feel alone and for believing that his warmth would help make you feel better about yourself. But you only stayed until he had fallen asleep, his gentle breathing filled the room while sleep had refused to find you. That was when you carefully left the security of his embrace and slipped away from his bedroom, returning to your own personal space that had never truly been completely yours.

The sound of your phone ringing from the side of the bed barely registers in your head, even as it keeps blaring through the silent room and its light bounces against the walls around you. Your hand feels heavy as you reach for it, and the moment you read the name written on the screen, so does your chest. With a gasp, you receive the call. All hope that you had kept inside you for the longest time begins simmering faintly beyond your guilt. But you force yourself to remain calm, keeping your voice steady when you answer the call.

"Hello, Oppa—" you gently greet Jungkook's brother, only to be met with a deep sigh.

"______, I'm sorry for calling in so late," he begins. "I have news."

Your breath becomes still in your chest when you hear Jungkook's brother's voice through the call, saying the words that you had been wishing to hear from him. But then you find it somehow hard to draw another breath when you listen to what he says to you next,

Slow Dancing | KNJ / JJK | 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now