Slow Dancing | three | a little faith - 02

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"Almost packed and ready to go!" you excitedly cheer through the video chat while you are showing Jungkook the sight of your packed bags being piled up on the corner of your bedroom floor. "I only left out a few things that I'm still using to put in last, like daily essentials, my clothes, shoes—"

Jungkook doesn't even try to hide his smile. "You didn't forget to pack up the nighties you collected while you're there, did you?" he asks you teasingly before laughing when he sees you rolling your eyes.

"You and your dirty mind," you scold him while shaking your head, though your smile doesn't do much to hide the fact that you aren't mad at him about it.

"Just making sure," Jungkook shrugs as he watches you dropping down on your bed. The bed that has been a part of your home for the past 15 months before you would come home to his.

He pays attention to every detail as you move around the bed, trying to get comfortable, picturing you doing so in his bed while he lays back against his pillows to act as if you are right there beside him. Then your face returns to the scene as you pout at him. "You still owe me a show with a lacy thong," you whine playfully, making him laugh when he recalls teasing you about it a couple of months ago.

"Yeah? You really want to see me wearing one, don't you?" he teases while wiggling his eyebrows. "Do you want me to dance for you too? Do a little strip dance to entertain you?"

You grin at him. "Well, would you?"

Jungkook only chuckles. "You know that I'll do just about everything for you."

Your gaze softens at his words. "I'd rather have you dancing for me when I'm there so I can dance with you."

There is nothing else in the world that Jungkook wants more than to make it happen. Not wanting to sound all sappy, he plays it coy and scoffs. "Fine, if you say so."

As you find comfort in your bed, you begin the usual long talk that you always share with Jungkook whenever he has some free time like today. After sharing the deep talk with Namjoon earlier today at the studio, both men had decided to cut today's mixing session short, allowing Jungkook to arrive home not long after lunchtime, catching you just in time before you are about to go to bed.

Jungkook moves his fingers on the phone screen while he listens to you speak, absentmindedly brushing the tip of his fingers along the outlines of your face while picturing himself touching your skin. He cannot help but wish that he could feel you, that he could actually touch you, perhaps brush your hair and tuck it away from your face while he keeps listening to you since you tend to let the strands fall on the side of your face when you are lying down sideways like this. There is a sense of longing and an emptiness that he cannot shake, but he tries his best to push it aside, reminding himself that time is on his side.

Soon, he reminds himself as he clenches his empty hand and watches you pull your hair back as you return his gaze through the screen.

"What are you planning to do for the rest of the day?" you ask him after you are done venting about your excessive work at the film studio today. Jungkook can see you stifling a yawn, but says nothing about it. He can feel his own exhaustion rolling through his body as he lays his head down on the pillows, but he tries to stay awake for a bit longer just to be able to talk to you more.

Slow Dancing | KNJ / JJK | 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now