Slow Dancing | six | falling from clouds - 02

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"Knock, knock."

Jungkook has been so deep in his process of creating a guide track that the foreign sound which seems completely out of place and has randomly slipped between the beat breaks nearly jolts him off of his seat. Pressing the pause button and pulling off his headphones, Jungkook turns on his chair to look at the door, finding Namjoon leaning in the doorway while smirking at him.

"Oh, you're here!" Jungkook exclaims excitedly as he jumps up to his feet. "Sorry, I didn't hear you coming in."

Namjoon pushes off against the doorway and steps into the studio, shutting the door behind him to block all the noises from outside. "I tried to be subtle so I wouldn't interrupt you when you're working," he says with a shrug. "Sorry for surprising you."

Jungkook quickly waves him off. "No, it's all good. Come in. Take a seat."

Taking the extra seat next to his friend, Namjoon looks over to the monitor screen where Jungkook's latest composition is shown. "So—how are your new tracks progressing so far?"

"Slow, but I think I have a few materials that I can show you soon," Jungkook shyly answers him while rubbing the back of his head. He turns just as Namjoon is getting comfortable in his seat. It has been a while for the two of them to have some time to hang out together like this and Jungkook has to admit that it makes him feel good to see his friend again.

Right after the engagement party, Namjoon had suddenly become busy with piles of work while Jungkook had been busy helping you settle in at the apartment and finding ideas for his music at the same time. Then, a few days later, before Jungkook ever had the chance to see Namjoon in person, the man had already left on a business trip which later turned into a short vacation when he went to spend Christmas with his family.

For some reason, having Namjoon around helps settle Jungkook's wariness about his work a little, knowing that he would have someone to share his thoughts and ideas and ask some advice from which may help him. Not that his other colleague hadn't provided him with much help at all. It doesn't matter if Namjoon had set up a whole team to help Jungkook with his music, it just feels more reassuring when Jungkook shares these things with someone who he is more familiar with. Having known Namjoon for years, Jungkook feels like he can rely on him much better. Even the years that had past while they lost contact with each other didn't matter much when they just easily reconnected the moment they met each other again, giving Jungkook more faith in his friend as they are working together.

"When did you get back from your trip?" Jungkook asks Namjoon, trying to make a conversation while he tweaks his devices to pull up and save the latest composition which he has been working on.

Namjoon hums as he seems to calculate the days he had spent back in Seoul. "The day before yesterday. But I decided to stay home for an extra day and get some needed rest," he says, not looking towards Jungkook but somewhere far in the distance instead. As if he is lost inside his head for a moment.

Slow Dancing | KNJ / JJK | 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now