Slow Dancing | eleven | Slow Dancing (back to you) - 02

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You push away from him after hearing what he just said. "No, that's not true," you quickly say to him while looking into his eyes. "You are my soulmate. It has always been you."

The moment you say those words out loud, you quickly realise that this is true. That no matter what life keeps throwing at you, no matter whose name is written on your skin, he would forever be the one that your soul will be seeking and his presence would always be the reason for you to go on.

Leaning into his embrace, you look up to see his face. Seeing him at the door earlier had felt like magic. After the days where you were tormented by the universe, after feeling like fate had not been on your side, having him back had seemed as if your prayers were finally heard and it had been the reason why it seemed so hard for you to get over the shock from his sudden return.

Not only that he had found his way back to you right as you were determined to get him back, but he was also saying all the right words, telling you everything that you had always wanted to hear. Hearing him saying the exact same words that you have been thinking of out loud seemed surreal, and at first, you had no idea how to make of it. Then you found the courage to reveal what had happened with Namjoon, even if you haven't gotten through the details, and yet he is still here, holding you tight instead of running away, making you feel like everything is slowly falling into place.

"I'm not going to lie. I can still feel myself being pulled to him. The thread will always be there, tethering me to him, if that makes sense?" you slowly add, admitting that you can still feel the bond simmering inside you. It feels faint, but it is still there, reminding you that you are still somehow tethered to Namjoon and that you can still feel his presence in the distance. Though now that you are here with Jungkook again, feeling his arms around you and your heart beating for him, you can finally tell the difference. And you explain to him exactly that. "But it's not the same. It will never be. Because I love you, and I know that what we have is real."

"And I love you too," Jungkook answers softly with a hesitant smile. "Would that be enough?"

You return his smile with your own when you convince him softly, "It is more than enough for me."

Hearing the conviction in your words, Jungkook's smile widens. "Then it would be more than enough for me too."

"The universe will always be against us," you warn him gently, reminding him that this is just the beginning of your journey together. To your surprise, Jungkook only responds with a soft chuckle.

"The universe has always done a shit job with our lives so far anyway," he says, making you laugh.

"Then I guess it doesn't matter, does it?"

"No, it doesn't," he says while taking your hand gently, his fingers brushing on your engagement ring once he notices that you have been wearing it. That you are still wearing it. A gentle sigh escapes you when his touch sends a delicate shiver down your body, making your heart beat faster just as he adds, "And it shouldn't. Not if you want this."

Slow Dancing | KNJ / JJK | 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now