Slow Dancing | nine | flights and pieces - 01

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chapter ix

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chapter ix. flights and pieces

 flights and pieces

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One week.

An entire week had gone by, and yet there is still no news coming from Jungkook, no update from everyone who know him and from those you had contacted to find him, and you have been trying your hardest to lessen your phone calls to Jungkook's brother who has been helping you track him down.

One week has passed, and here you are, still hiding from the world and from the reality waiting for you outside of these walls by finding shelter in Namjoon's guest bedroom.

It had not been completely on impulse when you left your apartment that night just a week ago. Somewhere between listening to your sister's advice about getting out of the apartment just so you could deal with everything with a clear mind to the moment you found yourself sitting inside your home, alone, surrounded by all the memorabilia that wouldn't allow you to stop thinking and worrying about Jungkook, you had realised that she was right, after all, and that you needed to step away. Even if it would be for a while until you could get yourself together without having all the memories haunting you when you were already too vulnerable.

The only impulsive thing that had come through you between the moment you started pulling yourself together just enough to start packing up your things to finally make the trip across the city was to leave without any elaborate plan. You had stepped out of your home with your sister's apartment in mind, and yet you had surprised yourself—both you and Namjoon, as a matter of fact—when you arrived knocking on his door.

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