Slow Dancing | Prologue - 02

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Waking up the next morning to the sun shining through the window was not an easy feat.

But that was definitely not a surprise, when you had tried to drown your sorrow with a bunch of drinks that you were not so familiar with. What surprised you was finding yourself naked under the sheets, in a bedroom that was completely foreign for you, while there was a strong arm resting around your stomach and a broad chest pressing at your back.

"Good morning," a deep, hoarse voice softly spoke to you, making your heart race.

"Morning," you whispered to him to answer before slowly turning around to face him. Except that you were totally unprepared to find a gorgeous looking guy lying right next to you, with his droopy eyes looking at you with pure wonderment and an easy smile appearing on his face.

"How's your head? I don't remember seeing you drink too much last night but I did grab some Advils when I came down this morning," he said then, before contemplating for a moment and smiling bashfully when he added, "That's pretty much all we have in this place."

His soft chuckle rumbled from his chest that was just as bare as yours. The sound made your chest feel warm, but you were surprised when it also brought a few gentle pulses to come to life from the places within your body which you had never once shared with anyone else before.

Seeing you falling silent, his smile turned to a curious frown. "Are you okay? Do you—" he whispered and stopped to prop himself on his elbow to speak to you. A deep, concerned look was written on his face when he asked, "Do you remember what happened last night?"

At first, everything from last night was a blur. But as you kept looking into his eyes, everything started to come back to you slowly. Arriving at the party and overhearing your soulmate's conversation, dancing with your friends, taking the glass of Screwdriver from the sophomore who mixed the drink right in front of you to make sure that it was safe.

But it was his beautiful gaze that sent the rest of the memories slamming right through your head that your chest grew tight and your body grew hot.

You remembered stumbling into him on the dance floor where he caught you with his gentle hands. You remembered talking to him all night after he introduced himself, "My name is Jungkook, a junior year student majoring in Music. What's your name?"

You recalled spending the rest of the night flirting and dancing with each other instead of drinking more, then you slowly began to slither out of the crowd to be with each other. Then flashes of memories of you kissing him started to come to you—against the wall in the main living room, under the stairs, right out there in the hallway before he pulled you into his bedroom where every piece of clothing was slowly shed away.

His voice asking, "Are you completely sure about this?"

And yours, "Yes, I'm one hundred percent positive."

Slow Dancing | KNJ / JJK | 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now