Slow Dancing | seven | then we fall - 03

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His words follow you into your dreams, where you find yourself back in the same bedroom all those years ago, on the very same night you met him for the first time. In your hazy mind, you see yourself lying on his old bed, still as messy as to how you have always remembered it, and his eyes are still as warm and gentle as how you have memorised him from that night.

It feels as if you are transported back in time when you can even breathe in the same scents that had engulfed you that night—his old perfume, the fresh scent of softener covering his sheets, and the faint scent of shampoo coming from his hair as the strands fall into a curtain when he dips his head to trail down your body with his gentle kisses.

For some reason, you can feel everything. Every gentle touch of his fingers on your skin, every kiss, each brush of his hips and chest as he is moving on top of you.

"I'm so glad that I found you," you hear his voice fading in and out like an echo in your dreams, even if you can still feel the warmth of his body pressing on yours, his broad chest sinking onto yours as he is slipping inside you, spreading your sensitive walls with his hard shaft and sending multiple sparks all over your body that has your body arching on the bed and your voice faintly screaming out his name.

His gentle caress soothes you until you can feel nothing else but pleasure, and between your blissful moans, you reach out to him, touching his face as you begin to rock your hips against him, welcoming him deep inside you where he belongs. "Take me. Make love to me. Make me yours."

The smile that appears on him melts your heart, while your whole body erupts as he ignites the flame inside you when he does exactly what you had asked him to. As he moves his hips, reaching deeper and taking you harder, every thought fades away, and every sense you have is filled with his presence.

"Are you still here? Still not thinking about running away?" you hear him whisper to you just when he sends you tethering on the edge of your climax, already so close to reaching the peak of your bliss, and yet still rooted to the ground when his piercing gaze becomes the anchor that pins you down to him.

"I'm not going anywhere. I never will," you find yourself speaking. You can hear your voice, even though it comes out like a fading echo, moving further and further away into the void instead of lingering in the space between you.

But Jungkook continues to make love to you, oblivious to how you feel like you are floating in space even while you are pressed against him and withering in his arms, clueless to how each rising pleasure that you feel only brings the painful pinch inside your chest grow tighter, and he has no idea how you can barely see his face now as you succumb to your climax, when his face grows blurry in your eyes as they are filled with tears.

"Jungkook—!" you cry out to him just as you are engulfed with the waves of your orgasm, and you can faintly hear him chanting your name as he erupts into his own.

Slow Dancing | KNJ / JJK | 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now