dos - molt perduda

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chapter two - very lost

First year students scurried excitedly towards the entrance of our soon to be school, entering the castle. It was quite hard to keep up with them, their energy seemed never-ending.

Walking up a few sets of stairs, the group behind me and I came to a stop at the top, a figure awaiting our arrival.

There stood an older woman with a large black hat placed on the top of her head, dressed in alluring emerald robes.

I recognized her, being the other adult that came to visit me alongside Dumbledore when I was eleven to inform me of my witch abilities.

Instantly, I felt more at peace finally spotting someone familiar.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Before anything else, as first year students you will need to get sorted into your houses." She glanced over at me, smiling.

"Don't worry, you as well, Miss Aldana."

I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion but before I could ponder on what she had just said, the large doors in front of us suddenly opened, showcasing a grand dining hall.

My eyes scattered over the huge room, there were thousands of floating candles above us and the ceiling reflected an image of the night sky. Dead silence filled the room which had four long tables full of students of all different ages and sizes, every single one of them staring our group down.

The first year students and I followed Professor McGonagall down the long hallway in between the tables, my nerves rising as all eyes were on us. I held my head up high, walking with confidence, desperately but successfully hiding the fact that I was an internal mess.

We stopped right in front of the stairs before a familiar older voice grabbed our attention. He gave a few instructions and information before resuming.

"With great pleasure, I want to welcome our first year students," Dumbledore chimed, "But before we sort our first year students, we have a new sixth year student attending this year. Let us all welcome with open arms, Angelica Aldana!"

I had to stop my eyes from widening as Professor McGonagall motioned for me to come up and sit on the stool next to her, the hall filled with applause. I looked up to meet the eyes of Dumbledore, he gave me a reassuring smile as the applause died down.

Without thinking, I decided to just go for it. The clicking sound of my heels hitting the ground echoed throughout the hall as I strutted up the small set of stairs, sitting on the wooden stool in front of me.

Suddenly, a brown leather hat was placed on the top of my head. I looked straight ahead, unable to shake off all the eyes peering down on me. Why was I here again? Oh, that's right, my parents are dead. No going back now.

"Oh, who do we have here? Hm, much older. Yes, more experience. Mhm......You're not what you seem, are you?" The brown hat roared, it's movements against the top of my head making me slightly jump as it came to life, attempting to keep my composure.

"So dedicated, motivated by success, no one can get in your way," The hat let out a mischievous laugh," Big dreams, big desires. Nothing I've ever felt before, yes, so interesting. I know exactly where to put you................Slytherin!"

The hall erupted with cheers and applause once more, my head shooting over to where the roars were most loud, the Slytherin table. I couldn't help but notice the majority of people who were cheering were the guys, the girls staring at me with jealous and annoyed looks.

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