quinze - canvi de rols

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chapter fifteen - change of roles

I was uneasy the majority of the day as classes went on. I tried my best to mask the ball of emotions, but my body couldn't help itself. I had no appetite and there was an uncomfortable adrenaline rush that I couldn't shake off.

Embarrassment mostly occupied my current mood as I thought of everything that happened last night. From the Gryffindors and I getting caught by Snape, my sudden fainting session (That I still couldn't wrap my head around how I ended up in my dorm still) to our punishments in the morning.

I couldn't help but to be a tad bit bitter. My life seemed like a pitiful movie ever since the death of my parents. I was pretty dry with all my friends and even Harry during classes we had together. When lunchtime came around, I picked at my food, nibbling at my sandwich while I paid more attention to writing in my journal about what drama and whatnot was circling at the Gryffindor table.

During my last class of the day, I usually felt more relieved and relaxed since it was ending towards the end of the day and I knew I could relax and do whatever with my friends.

But today was totally different. I didn't want it to end. I knew where I had to go right after. And for a few months, at that.

The sudden ring of a bell signaling that classes were over didn't help either, making me jump from the alarming sound echoing throughout the castle.

I sighed painfully, shaking my head. I grabbed all my things, cleaning up to prepare to make my way to detention with Snape.

I pulled through with my facade, however. Strutting through the passageways of the castle to the cold dungeons. Before I could get too far, I halted, remembering that I had to go talk to Dumbledore.


What a way to start off the first day of detention. Late and full of excuses. I was for sure going to get my head ripped off by Snape.

I might've (accidentally) pushed through a crowd of people to hurriedly get to Dumbledore's office. I not only wanted to get this meeting over with so I wouldn't get in too much trouble from my potions professor, but the idea of a meeting seemed incredibly boring. Dumbledore never mentioned what the meeting was about so I had no idea what I was in store for.


"Ah, Miss Aldana," Dumbledore chimed as soon as he saw him enter his office, "Good to see you again," A smile appeared on his lips, gesturing for me to take a seat.

"Nice to see you too," I made my way and plopped on one of the chairs in front of the desk he was sitting at.

"I've been wanting to meet with you for a while now," He cleared his throat, "It's about very important matters. But first—how are you? I've been meaning to check up on you fully but forgive me, I am a tad busy at times,"

"It's all good," I nodded, "And I'm doing just fine," I lied like my life depended on it. I wasn't in the mood to explain my sob story, soap opera life. This was just a meeting, not a therapy session.

"Hm, very well," Dumbledore furrowed his brows, not so convinced but quickly moved onto the next topic, "I figured now was a good time to give you the news as it's been a while with you being more settled at Hogwarts."

"What news?" I asked curiously.

"About your parents and what they left behind," Dumbledore began to search for something from the drawers attached to his desk.

"W-what?" I stuttered at him mentioning anything about my parents.

He found the parchment he was looking for and held it up.

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