sis - feliç aniversari

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chapter six - happy birthday

Surprisingly, I slept great the entire night. I don't know if it was because my body finally had a chance to recover from the energy that was drained from me yesterday from what had happened, or if it was just luck. I woke up feeling neutral, neither happy nor sad, which was enough to help me steer out of bed.

My morning consisted of me making an effort to do my makeup nice and neat, adding some glitter eye makeup accents to my eyelids, wearing more jewelry than normal such as diamond and gold bracelets, so much that they stopped halfway to my forearm, enough layered necklaces that it almost looked like one, and my favorite glitter block heels. Most of these accessories were covered or hidden within my robe but little details mattered to me.

Today was also Friday, so I only had potions and D.A.D.A, and it was the last day of the school week as well. I could actually spend time and hang out with Harry now since I wasn't busy practicing for the Frog Choir, and I hoped we could take a walk together or even just sit next to each other in the library sometime, for my birthday. I planned to get all dressed up in the evening, which sounds funny since it probably looks like I do already most of the time, so I could feel pretty and special to take my mind off the rest of the world.

Deep down, I was pretty excited about turning seventeen, but slowly my sentiments were rising due to my reminder that I would have no family to spend my birthday with. I had made a couple friends already: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville and Draco, but I wasn't expecting anyone to congratulate me or pull out a big happy birthday banner and make a big deal out of my birthday. I mean, no one knew it was today besides myself.

All of those feelings were buried deeper due to my anxieties of Frog Choir results rising. I wasn't sure when Flitwick was going to announce them since there was no time specified, but thinking about it too much made me dizzy. I might've told myself that it'd be alright if I didn't make the choir, but I knew with all my heart that I badly desired a spot within it. I needed this outlet, not only so I could have something to do besides being in the dorm all the time or bothering my friends, but for my mental health.

I had just gotten out of D.A.D.A and was heading to double potions, which was my last class of the day before lunch. Harry and Ron weren't in class, only Hermione and said she had no clue where the two were. I was a little bummed out since I was looking forward to seeing Harry, his presence made my day at this point. There was also a sense of dread going to potions since I would be facing Snape after what happened yesterday, so I wanted to talk to Harry to get things out of my mind.

I was in the dungeons walking into potions alone, since Hermione had stayed back to ask Slughorn about homework he'd assigned, when my arm was gently nudged from someone in the back of me. I quickly turned around to defend myself or call out the person who was touching me, but I stopped my movements once I saw that it was Harry.

"Harry!" I said a little too excitedly as he walked side by side with me, now us both in the classroom.

"Angelica!" He playfully mocked me as we went to sit at our usual table.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you all day, explain yourself," I gave him a goofy grin.

"Slept in by accident, but nevermind that! Happy Birthday!" Harry pulled me into a quick hug, and his body against mine, his scent filling my nostrils, made my stomach fill with butterflies. I felt like a little school girl with a crush.

"Thank you Harry, that means a lot" I said happily, unable to wipe the grin off my face as I pulled away, but was quickly wiped off as I saw Snape in the back of the classroom, organizing some ingredients and looking over at us.

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