tretze - tremenda emoción

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chapter thirteen - tremendous emotion

(A/N: alright, this is a more "interactive" chapter where you'll have to listen to the song in order for this scene to make sense haha. The spotify link will be in my announcements on my profile, but I have attached the lyric video above (since the song is in spanish) just in case you don't have spotify, (and i believe wattpad lets you play the videos while you read, so the audio keeps playing as you turn the pages). I will also attach the lyric video later on when the scene is actually happening just to have it there as well.

now, before you read, I highly recommend you watch the video down below. Even just a few seconds. it will give you an even better idea of the scene later on and how Daniel Radcliffe (Harry) would look in such a scene.

also, i attempted to write where you can play the song as you read and it will go together, so when you play it while reading it should make sense/be more interactive. keyword: —attempted— lmao
as well as attempted to translate jamaican patois ok so bear with me😩)

DISCLAIMER:::: i obviously do not own this song at all, nor do i claim it to be mine at all. For copyright purposes and just in case so i won't get sued or anything, this song is just a representation of what I had in mind for this book. I choose to add the song for a more interactive feel but once again, it's unofficial! Por favor no me demanden, todo credito a Bad Gyal y los que produjeron y fueron parte de esta cancion!

It was the last day of September, which meant I had officially been at Hogwarts for a month. So much had happened in the time I had been here, which some of I had never expected. I never imagined it to be this easy to make friends, as wholesome as they come, such as the Gryffindors. I didn't expect to enjoy the experience as much as I have been. And I never would have expected that my potions professor would be acting the way he currently was towards me.

It was incredibly perplexing—his actions and the response they would evoke from me. The last few days was just me attempting to avoid him as usual, which some of I barely managed to avoid. Potions especially made it harder for me to function properly and keep my act up. Snape would have small staring fits at me when no one was looking, even if I myself looked away coolly from him.

Apart from all of that, my experience has been going dandy so far. I was grateful for the friends, acquaintances and relationships I've made. And even though Draco was missing quite a bit these past few days, which Harry seemed extremely suspicious of, we managed to spend some time together yesterday.

Not only was it the last day of September, but it was also the day of yet another Gryffindor party. As Ron had said before, they expected me to be at their common room by 4:30 so we could all get into the secret place in order to not get caught. With no choir practice today, I was sure to have an eventful, fun evening. No interruptions, no homework, and no Snape.

It was needed though, since the last few days I was also in a fit of the sulks, not wanting to really do anything but sleep. That is even if I could make myself fall into a slumber, with all the intrusive and confusing thoughts that jumped into my head regarding my mother and father, and my potions professor. Somehow I managed to force myself to get out of bed anyway, despite the internal darkness I felt about my parents passing and get on with the day. No more being weak and lenient with myself. The need to act as if I could handle anything was necessary for my character, even if it was going to drain the hell out of all my energy.

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