catorze- se'ns fa tard!

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chapter fourteen - it's getting late

A/N: SURPRISEEEE, long time to see💋✨💖


Absolute silence.

All I could hear were the thumps of my heart beating against my chest rapidly as I heard an angry Snape order everyone to start exiting the room immediately. Without hesitation, everyone scurried out of the doors that had appeared out of nowhere.

"I don't want to hear a single word from any of you," He ordered sternly, his wand still pointed at his neck using the charm. He had let McLaggen go at this point, and the intoxicated teen followed behind the rest of those who were already moving.

Snape made a couple more commands about keeping quiet, his cut edge voice sending chills down my spine. At this point he had stopped using the voice charm so his voice was no more than at regular volume. He wasn't as loud as before, but his voice echoed throughout the room eerily.

No one forgets that kind of voice. Stern and deadly.

I hadn't looked over at Snape anymore in fear of if I did so, I would likely faint in front of everyone. The glance I got earlier was enough to scare the living hell out of me. Snape's eyes had seemingly gone darker, his onyx orbs giving a preview of the wrath that was going to meet us in a few minutes.

His face was absolutely terrifying. I had never seen someone that angry, especially for something as silly as a party full of tipsy teenagers. The man was livid and in a way rightfully so. He had just discovered about one fourth of Hogwarts in a secret room, partying it up after curfew hours. If I was a staff member, I wouldn't have been so happy to see this entire scene either.

A part of me wished he would cut us some slack. I mean, he was a teenager once, wasn't he? By his demeanor and attitude, he seemed like the bully type. His wizarding school days should've been a breeze. Of course it's expected for a teacher to be upset at this, but not in the way Snape seemed to be.

A million things ran through my mind as the group of us practically trembled as we made our way to Snape's office. Which was rather long might I add, due to the room of requirement residing on the seventh floor.

There was an exact silence, literally mimicking the one from moments before on the way to Snape's office. On the way there, we all ran into Filch, which almost caused pure happiness to Snape's eyes. Now there was double trouble. The old git and the old angry man.

Filch made sure to accompany Snape as he was escorting us, wanting to be a part of the punishment that awaited us. I could sense Harry and everyone else's distress with every step we took to the cold dungeons.

Since there were so many of us, we had to take the ever changing stairs groups at a time since we wouldn't fit on one. Snape made it clear that if we even tried to escape we would regret it. This process just dragged on all of our anxieties and worries of what was to happen to us at Hogwarts. I didn't even want to think of such punishments.

Not a single peep escaped from the entire group's mouths as we arrived at our final destination (quite literally, it felt as if this was the end of our lives). We entered his office, all of us mirroring a group of kindergarteners who had just gotten scolded at. Snape stood at the front of the room, in front of his desk with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Argus, would you kindly go and get the attention of the Headmaster and Minerva?" His tone of voice not matching his sentence at all. It was cold and full of fury.

"Glady," Filch practically skipped away to do as he was asked.

"Are you all aware that you are in deep trouble?" Snape questioned us, a deadly tone to his voice.

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