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chapter seventeen - cold like ice






Not even those words were enough to describe the thrill of emotions that coursed through my body throughout the week. So much so that as the days went by, I refused to connect emotionally with anyone. I couldn't even if I tried.

From the moment that Snape's words forbade me from attending frog choir practice, it was like the small light of joy inside me shut off.

It was like receiving the most beautiful bouquet of roses in desperate, difficult time of need, only to be stabbed by the thorns as soon as you grabbed them, no longer able to get ahold of them. The roses being the frog choir and the thorns being the reason they were no longer in your grip.

Snape was the equivalent to the thorns on rose stems.

Hell, he has been the thorn in my side from the beginning.

Painful, annoying, catching me by surprise, always causing problems.

He was a prick.

It felt like as soon as I got my hands on anything good, experienced anything wonderful, he had to be the one to interrupt it all with his presence, responses, looks, mocking tones—starting from day one of my time here at Hogwarts.

The frog choir was my gleam of hope. It was like that bright light of help, gently guiding and giving me reassurance as I walked through the dark, ominous, never-ending tunnel that was equivalent to my life at the moment.

Detention resumed every day with the potions professor, only it was oddly quiet. He hadn't even assigned me any tasks to do. It was just me sitting for hours, reviewing material from previous classes or homework until it was time for dinner. I wasn't sure if Snape took notice of my quieted anger, or if he was just too busy organizing his lesson plans, but there was no bickering between the two of us.

However, Snape had allowed me to go see Dumbledore whilst in detention to help me figure out the plan and places I had to target and visit on my way to Spain. Snape wasn't so friendly about it, but at least he had given me permission to do so.

Though with this dreadful, boring detention now, I definitely wasn't able to have an outside life and attend to my friends. My obvious lack of warmth this week (and a few days from the week prior) didn't help either. The looks on their faces during breakfast, lunch, dinner and classes we had together gave it away that they figured it was best to not pester me. Whenever Hermione, anyone, and even poor Luna, asked me questions, I was straightforward and blunt, lacking compassion in my tone of voice.

Even Harry, who I was technically heading towards a romantic relationship with, experienced my hardened heart. I would slowly pull my hand away if he reached for it under the table, and I always found an excuse as to why. I wasn't in the mood to act happy and glee.

The day of Snape and I's travel day approached rather quickly. It was a cold and gloomy day, therefore a warm outfit was in order. I dressed in a white Chanel skirt suit, accompanied with a white camisole top that had lace on the neckline, underneath. The jacket of the suit was a little oversized, just enough to give me the freedom to move and not feel limited to certain reaches and postures. Tight fitting clothes were the worst, so this outfit was the best in terms of travel.

The skirt and jacket were made out of a soft material, which was perfect for the chilly, melancholy climate. A suit might have been a little too extra for the first day of this trip, but I figured something a bit more formal and was suited for what I was about to get myself into. Once the time came, I was about to experience the world of business, after all. I might as well start dressing the part.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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