onze - puro desmadre

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chapter eleven - pure chaos

I was determined to find the courage to walk up to Snape the next day after frog choir practice and confront him fully—once and for all about everything. I wanted to stomp into his office, demanding an answer from the bitter, cold, evil man that sat at his desk. I wanted to reach over and grab him by the collar of his robes if he played dumb again, unwilling to give me a real answer.

But— I couldn't manage to do it.

In my head, it all seemed easy and dandy. But when I passed by his classroom the day after to do so, I backed out immediately, scurrying to the Slytherin common room that wasn't too far away in hopes of not getting caught by anyone. The mere thought, no—realization, that in order to confront the man, I had to physically be in the same room as him, not too far away, take in his dark eyes full of intensity for the few minutes I would confront him doing so. It all got too much and I cowarded out.

Harry and I spent the next two days working extremely hard on our song. We didn't have actual muggle music class on Thursday, but we made sure to make time to go after dinner and record some more. Friday, we had class again and were on the verge of being done by the end of it. Wanting to get done with the song so we would be able to enjoy our weekend, we went once again after dinner. The two of us were inside the studio, putting all of our sounds, recordings and such, together and adding last minute touches.

A few minutes before curfew that Friday night, we had finally done it. We had finished the assignment not only on time, but early.

Then finally, after what seemed like eternity, the start of the weekend came. First, I planned on spending the majority of my time locked behind the curtains of my bed, but I had been invited to another secret Gryffindor party. Not necessarily sure what they were celebrating this time, but I was down for any party. I for sure wasn't going to miss it. Not to mention my house seemed to hate me even more than before, with the loss of points attached to my name from the day Pansy and I fought, so it was better I'd not spend a lot of time there. It was exactly a week ago and they hadn't gotten over it.

All dolled up, I made my way to the muggle music room, journal in my hand. I didn't always bring it with me, but when we had officially finished the song yesterday night, I wanted to put a copy of the recording of it into my journal for memories, but I had left it on my nightstand. I figured I would just do it the next day, there was no rush, so that's exactly what my intentions were as of now.

Once I had finished entering the room and putting a magical recording of Harry and I's song in my journal, I shut it briskly and placed it inside my Chanel bag. It hung lazily from my hand that was at my side as I made my way towards the direction of the Gryffindor common room, hurrying to make it there. It wouldn't be as bad to find my way there, Harry said he would be waiting for me outside in order to let me in.

As I walked throughout the halls minding my business, a strong impact hit from behind me that nearly knocked me off my feet. Thankfully, I was near the walls and leaned onto it for support as I regained my posture. I guessed it was an accident but I couldn't help but to get angry at the sudden contact that almost sent me flying across the hall.

I quickly turned around, wanting to see who was clumsy enough to bump into me when the hall was empty of people, except me. My eyes roamed up the tall stature who had bumped into me, and as my gaze rose from the black dress shoes, to the all dark robes, all up until my own met his equally dark eyes. I immediately registered who it was.

Taking in his presence, it felt as if every cell in my body had dissolved, disappeared into oblivion, and been replaced with sparks. Painful, confusing sparks that soared throughout my body, and suddenly I found myself unable to keep my eyes from him.

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