cinc - ansiedad

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chapter five - anxiety

A/N: update 6/6/24: omg i'm so annoyingggg, not me revising this chapter againnnn. this one has always bothered me bc it's so odd to write a song into a fic and also i regret not using this song in the first place bc it's what i originally intended to attach to represent angelica's "song" back in 2021. i think that's what threw me off. it makes more sense too while she's auditioning.

but anyway—this is where listening to the song comes in. Angelica's "song" is in catalan, so I've attached a basic lyric video I made so you all can understand, but once the time comes I encourage playing the song as you read the audition scene.

Also disclaimer: the song is obviously not mine, all rights go to the artist. this is just for interactive/representation purposes. I will be using her music for this whole book, I love her music so much :)


A week had passed since my first day. And It was one hell of a week, I'll tell you that. I strutted around the castle with Harry or Draco and received compliments on my robe customization. Even Professor Flitwick had complimented me, as well as Professor McGonagall.

I went to the rest of my classes, some of them being Charms and Herbology, and met the rest of my classmates and Professors. Potions classes were berabale for not only the friends I had made but because we learned about interesting potions. And I actually saw Draco during class but decided to stay at Harry's table since he was sitting next to Pansy and Crabbe.

In one of the classes, Snape monotonously lectured and taught us about Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world, Veritaserum, a truth telling serum, and Felix Felicis, a potion that made the drinker lucky for a period of time. Our assignment that day was to brew Draught of Living Death, in exchange for a small vial of Felix Felicis.

I was up for the challenge but throughout the class I was struggling harcore, and so was Hermione, which was astounding since I quickly learned what a brilliant student she was. Ingredients flew across the room, Seamus' brew blew up in his face and just about the whole class was ready to give up which Snape appeared to enjoy.

Harry, however, seemed to not have a problem and managed to finish brewing it. Snape walked over and checked his potion, his eyes giving away how surprised he was that someone had actually managed to brew such a  perfect concoction, but was hesitant to hand the small vial of Liquid Luck over. Snape eyed Harry up and down, a revolted look on his face and eventually, but angrily, handed it over.

In Muggle Music, we had spent the entire week learning about the composure and elements of music, as shown in the pages Flitwick asked us to review on the first day. We learned about melodies and harmonies, to the equipment and instruments that were used such as speakers, microphones, drums and guitars, song structure and to how to write lyrics, such as the bridge and chorus, and make it sound good. We had a couple quizzes on it and I aced every single one since I had a bit of previous knowledge. And of course being muggle born, I was exposed to most of it before.

I also had turned in my audition slip and had been preparing for choir auditions any chance I could. Flitwick had assisted me in learning the words to the Hogwarts song as well as Harry. I took my preparation for auditions seriously. Whether it was in between classes by humming the songs I was to sing, or leaving lunch and dinner early to practice in the dormitory, or once school hours were over I spent the rest of my evening in the dormitory, I pulled the curtains around my bed, casting a silencing charm and my voice got straight to work. I didn't need the stares or eavesdropping of my fellow Slytherin girl roommates.

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