dotze - la roba, nena!

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chapter twelve - the clothes, girl!

It's safe to say that I had been hit with a killer hang over the next day of the party. The house even had potions on hand to help it subside the hangovers for all. And so again, to avoid being caught and being reprimanded from the administrators present roaming the halls after hours, I stayed the night in the Gryffindors girls dormitory. It also might have been because we stayed up partying until 3 am, and didn't hit the hay until about 4am.

Most of my Sunday was spent inside the Gryffindor common room. Sometimes I forgot I was in a totally different house from them and was supposed to be 'enemies' as Draco made it seem. But here I was, against all the possible odds, proving them all wrong. It was as if I was a part of their pact now, literally sharing a shelter with them.

A lot of us were still weary and energy-drained from the party even though the potions helped a little with such, and would only ever exit the common room to go eat. Of course we missed breakfast though, the majority of us waking up midday but rose out of bed just in time to go catch some lunch.

My satin outfit slightly revealed the previous night's events, the stains of unknown alcohols splattered all over from my turn of funneling beers, so Hermione had let me borrow some of her clothes. The outfit was a simple white t-shirt with a red and gray open plaid dress shirt, paired with some dark jeans.

I do admit I had to alter her jeans a bit with magic since our body types weren't the same. As for shoes, I didn't feel like dealing with my heels at all so I only had socks on. As much as I wanted to run to my common room to grab my clothes I couldn't bring myself to do it this time from how weary I felt. I decided this one time wouldn't hurt, and since we'd only be coming out for lunch it was okay and no one would really notice.

I had completely forgotten about Snape and our encounters, that is, until we all scurried to lunch. That day Gryffindors entered all together, fooling around and too distracted to notice that the entire staff table and rest of the house tables were staring at us coming in. As if they'd been awaiting our company for centuries. We should've seen it coming though, our entire table was empty for breakfast obviously, and now for lunch with only a few reasonable minutes left to actually eat and being vacant for the previous minutes, it was understandable for them to think we were up to something.

I hadn't noticed how much of my 'mask' had been lifted off when I wasn't covered in all the sparkles, glamour and the usual expensive mess of an outfit I usually wore, until those dark, intense eyes suddenly met mine again at lunch. My attempts to hide my true emotions and keep up this facade with a situation involving Snape was immensely aided by the designer and luxurious items I wore and possessed, but when dressed in Hermione's 'muggle' clothes, I felt like the old Angelica.

The Angelica who only bought and wore clothes from stores that she genuinely liked and fit her style—who couldn't care less of the designer brands she was able to buy, when others would only dream they'd be able to. The Angelica who was carefree, happy and living her best life, not acting like someone she wasn't in fear of not being accepted for the broken mess she now became over the death of her parents.

The old Angelica was original, full of happiness and laughter.

Snape's dark eyes met mine at the wrong time where I felt and was being genuine for the first time. Not realizing it, there was no strutting, no holding my head up, no chin up to assert my confidence when I had walked into the Great Hall with the rest of my friends. Bare faced with no makeup, only bits of residue of last night's cosmetic mask. My hair wasn't down and styled like it usually was, it was in a high ponytail, and definitely felt a lot more freeing than having it down and in my face all the time.

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