set - que será?

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chapter seven - what will it be?

The weekend flew by rapidly from how much more relaxed I felt, and the amount of fun I had. The next day after my crying incident, Harry talked and I talked privately and he assured me that no one knew what happened. After all, he saw that I didn't need a reminder or be suddenly bombarded with questions relating to my little breakdown. He convinced everyone that I had to run to the Slytherin common room to avoid getting caught after hours, since it was pretty late after all. It wasn't a lie but the reason wasn't entirely true either.

Draco had wished me a happy birthday the day after, which also happened the last time that I saw him. We hung out in the common room and he gave me flowers for my birthday. From now on since Friday, I continued to sit at the Gryffindor table instead with my own house since Draco once again, would be nowhere to be found at times. His absence was starting to worry me and I wondered where he'd go, or if he even ate at times.

I ran side by side alongside Harry, our hands intertwined while he pulled us hurriedly into the directions of potions class. We were running pretty late, there being less than a minute until class started. I struggled to keep up with him, my heels clicking rapidly to the pace of my footsteps. During the middle of breakfast, I accompanied Harry to his common room since he forgot his potions textbook. We unintentionally got carried away with chatting for a few minutes, and before we knew it, we looked at the clock and there was five minutes until the start of potions.

We made it just in time, entering the classroom hand in hand just as Snape was walking towards the door to close it, nearly bumping into him. I managed to avoid detention with Snape from my time here at Hogwarts so far, relieved that we barely made it so the two of us wouldn't have to serve it. I mean, who would want to spend hours in detention with Snape?

"You're late," Snape looked at the two of us, quirking up an eyebrow. I felt my heart drop to my stomach when those words left Snape's mouth, coming to an acceptance that we were most likely going to get detention. I saw his black eyes glance down at our intertwined hands, scrunching his nose ever so slightly, almost as if disgusted by any form of physical touch. It reminded me of the last time when I, no, he, accidentally bumped into me.

"What? Professor, we made it just in time," Harry said looking at the clock, pointing to it, "It's exactly nine o'clock,"

"You're not in your seats," He said matter of factly, "Ten points from Gryffindor. Now go sit down or else it will go from ten to twenty points," Snape side eyed me and I was certain he was going to, but surprised when he didn't take points from Slytherin due to me. I'm sure he wouldn't want take points away from his own house anyway.

"Sir-but we were inside the classro-" Harry tried to reason. I stood there next to him, my mouth slightly ajar from how petty Snape was being.

"Go. Sit. Down." Snape interrupted, a tone of warning in his voice.

Harry sighed defeatedly, pulling my hand gently and leading us towards our usual seats, releasing our grips once we sat down. I grabbed my potions book, setting it on the table while Ron and Hermione gave us looks that said you know how he is. Harry and I returned them sheepish smiles before directing our attention to the front of the room where Snape began the class.

He asked us to pull out our parchment that was due today about aging potions that he assigned last week and collected them all. Once he snatched mine out of my hand as he did to the other students, I glanced back to look at Draco, but unsurprisingly, he wasn't here again. I wanted to ask him where he was the majority of the time, but then again, it wasn't really any of my business.

"Bit of a review from last week," Snape began, his deep voice interrupting my thoughts about Draco's whereabouts, "I hope everyone remembers how to make the draught of peace potion from last Wednesday's lecture, page 310,"

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