nou - queríais pelea?

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chapter nine - you wanted a fight?

To say Hogwarts hadn't hosted any parties was an understatement. A bad assumption on my part. The party that Gryffindor house threw for Ron and the rest of the quidditch team to celebrate the new additions the team was absolutely wild. I never thought the students at Hogwarts had it in them to be that rebellious. A silencing charm was casted by all so the thumping and loudness of the music wasn't overheard through the walls and caught the attention of the administrators.

There was a questionable amount of alcohol, butterbeer for the lighter drinkers of course, and it looked like they stole everything that was left of food from the kitchens. I genuinely don't know how the Gryffindors got all of that in their possession, or how it went unnoticed. Probably Dobby and Winky were in on it as well. The music of the party wasn't bad, but it just wasn't what I was used to from back home. Music in Spanish and music in English each have their own way of being able to get someone to move.

I decided to be rebellious and sleep over in the night with the girls in the dorm since the party was going to be held after curfew hours. Harry and I kissed a few more times since the last time, especially during the party, but he hadn't asked me on a date or anything yet. I was hoping he would after this muggle music assignment, since that along with quidditch practice starting soon was going to take some time up. The same with me and frog choir practice, but I was just getting ahead of myself. It was too fast to think of Harry and I as such a thing.

All that though, was a couple days ago. I was still mad at Draco, we didn't speak or look in each other's direction. In class, I had avoided him at all times, and that was if he even appeared in them. I now had two 'enemies' in my own house, Pansy and Draco.

It hurt me that Draco and I were on bad terms, he was the only person in my house who I felt tolerated by, and now I spent the few times I was reminded of him, resenting and not wanting to do anything with him. Just as I did with Pansy. But the truth was that I didn't want it to be like that between Draco and I. Though if he couldn't understand my feelings, there was no reason to go and beg him for his friendship.

Pansy was a whole different story. Since I found out she was being the nosey, blabbermouth rat she was, I only hated her more than I did before. I decided to be smart about it though. I didn't confront her right away about the whole Draco drama, I deemed it best to be patient, waiting to catch her in private, or at least by herself so no one else could jump in.

If we were to verbally argue, I didn't need anyone to jump in and bash me. And if we were to get physical about it, I definitely didn't need Daphne or her other Slytherin girlfriends to turn a one one one into a one versus all.

However, whenever I saw Pansy, I purposely shot nasty glares in her direction. I think she knew something was up, but she never confronted me about it. I did it in the Great Hall, during class, in the dorms, any chance I could. I was just waiting for the perfect time.

"I think I'm all finished?" Harry lifted his head from his paper.

"Really? Perfect, let's hear some of it," I smiled, resting my quill on the side of my paper.

Harry and I were in the library on a Sunday evening, sat at one of the tables, coming up and finishing up a few lyrics that we got together once again to make. Harry decided on the library so he could use a dictionary and book for his part, and I deemed it best so I had a quiet place to work.

Tomorrow we were planning on finalizing the lyrics and starting the process of coming up with the beats and such of our assignment.

"I'll give you a sneak peak," Harry teased, clearing his throat and dramatically holding up his paper in front of him, "It'll sound better and make sense tomorrow in the studio, okay? So don't judge," He laughed, hesitating before actually beginning.

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