vuit - em la sua

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chapter eight - i don't care

Two days had passed and a lot had happened since then. The Gryffindor quidditch team hosted tryouts, they needed a new keeper since the guy that they had previously had on the team had left the school already. Flitwick announced when the frog choir's first meetup would be, which is today, and I'd gotten into a small argument with Pansy in the common room which almost escalated into a fight. I successfully avoided Snape at all times, so much so that earlier today I didn't even go to potions.

My night yesterday was pretty rough, a strong memory of my parents came up just as I was about to fall asleep and I became a crying mess. I stayed up until who knows what time, silently crying until I eventually cried myself to sleep. I didn't feel like facing the world today, and I most certainly didn't want to start it off with potions. I managed to pull myself together and get out of bed midday, attending lunch for the rest of my classes.

I had gotten out of the frog choir meeting and headed to the Slytherin common room to leave my books and things I didn't need anymore, so it wouldn't be such a burden the rest of the day.

It was two hours until dinner, and earlier I had agreed to meet Harry at the quidditch pitch so we could hang out and work on the song assignment. I was already running a few minutes late so I was in a rush. A few seconds from exiting the common room, I ran into Draco in the hallway.

"Angelica!" Draco said excitedly.

"Hey, Draco!" I adjusted the Coach bag I had with me on my shoulder.

"I was just about to go into the common room and find you. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to spend some time together," He smiled, a hopeful tone in his voice.

"As much as I would love to, I'm actually meeting Harry at the quidditch pitch right now. I'm sorry," I felt bad turning him down, knowing we barely hung out, "Maybe next time, yeah?"

Draco's entire face changed, expression going from hopeful to irritated in a matter of seconds. He crossed his arms over his chest, letting out a big sigh.

"You can't hang out with me just this once? You're literally always with him," He rolled his eyes, "Pansy tells me you guys are practically glued together,"

I froze, my blood boiling with anger, my eyebrows narrowing downwards, "Pansy told you that? Why the hell is she even talking about Harry and I to you?!" I couldn't help but to raise my voice, it genuinely irked me that she had the nerve to gossip and talk about me to him.

"Well, why are you so upset? It's true, you even sit with them at their table now," He scrunched his nose.

"I'm sorry, but may I remind you that you're missing half of the time? You barely attend your classes and skip meal times. I usually sit with you since you're the person I'm most comfortable with at the table and then all of a sudden you start disappearing, of course I'm going to sit with someone else. I'm not going to sit around waiting for you!"

"You could have sat with someone from our own house at least, it's embarrassing seeing you, the only person in a Slytherin robe, sat and mixed in with those Gryffindors!" Draco raised his voice.

"I can't believe you, Draco! You know half of our table dislikes me, and like I already said last time, I'm not going to stop being friends with people just because you don't like them. I'm meeting Harry to work on a class project anyway so it's an important matter," I crossed my arms over my chest.

"But it's not fair to me as your friend when you stick next to him and his group of weirdos all the time and don't put time aside for me," He said matter of factly.

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