setze - rota

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sixteen - broken
The next day stumbled upon me, and it was currently lunch time. I hadn't gone to the Great Hall to spend my eating window with the Gryffindors, however. I felt exhausted today from not getting much sleep last night. I had to fight my eyes to stay awake during all lectures up until now.

I was practically up all night, unable to shake off what happened between Snape and I before going off to dinner. I would doze off, almost falling into a deep sleep before suddenly jolting awake once the memory of Snape's touch on my body resumed in my mind.

I couldn't deny my growing feelings for my potions professor. I couldn't lie to myself that he had major effects on not only my mind, but my body as well. That made it all the more embarrassing.

Snape was much older than I.

My mental health couldn't afford to have these feelings towards him.

I bit a chunk from the red apple in my hand that I was close to being done with, that I had grabbed from the kitchen before struggling my way to the Slytherin common room and up to my dorm. Once reaching my destination, I plopped my body onto the comfy bed, setting my purse down gently as I got comfortable to lay down on my back. Using wandless magic, I pulled the curtains that were sprung from my bed shut to have a little more privacy.

I sighed out loud, my round-about thoughts of yesterday's events circling my mind. I suddenly remembered the necklace that Dumbledore had given me yesterday before jolting up from my laying down position and snatching my bag to retrieve the gold jewelry piece.

"Where is it?!" I asked myself impatiently, before feeling the cold metal upon my skin as I fished it out of my bag.

I was desperate to see what was inside. Knowing that this had belonged to my mother was enough to stick a pang of mourning to my heart all over again.

Holding the necklace up in the air, I took a good look at it, admiring the shiny chain and plumped heart pendant. I swallowed hard, feeling tears swell up in my eyes. I held it closer to my view, realizing it was some sort of locket. I analyzed the intricate engravings before attempting to pry it open with my hands, but it wouldn't budge.

I tried again, using all of my might to attempt to separate the gold closing point of the locket, my fingers turning white from the pressure being used.

"Does this have some sort of charm, spell, magic word or something?" I said between my teeth as I fumbled with the piece of metal.

I threw it on my bed from the frustration, allowing the tears that were threatening to fall, stream down my face. A part of me felt bad knowing it came from my mothers hands just to throw it like that, but I knew it wouldn't do any harm to it. I was just overwhelmed with desperation to know what was inside.

Just as I suspected, the heart shaped locket and chain landed safely onto the comforter, the light reflecting off of it.

"Abre!!!" I frustratedly shouted at the necklace in Spanish, meaning "open", my palms making their way to my face to begin to cry into them out of distress. Before I could do so, I saw the locket unlatch itself rapidly, making a clink sound that caught my attention. I furrowed my brows, surprised that what I had yelled out managed to break open the stubborn locket.

Really, mom? That was the most obvious choice you could've used for the magic word.

Well, at least it's revealed now.

My eyes made their way to the opened heart, confused at the sight in front of me. What was inside was not what I expected. I assumed there was an enchanted picture of some sort, or even just a regular photo but I was mistaken.

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