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I sat by the wide living room window in my comfy sweats, absorbing the Sunday morning light. Finn entered the living room as I lifted my mug to my lips.

"Good morning," he said.

I set my tea in the cupholder before tilting my chin up to peck his lips.

"How did you sleep?"

"Great," I nodded, "until this one decided to wake mommy up."

Finn let out a chuckle as he sank to his knees and planted a kiss on my bump. Before he could remove his lips, they were met with a sudden kick. Now I was the one laughing.

"I can't imagine being stuck with that twenty-four seven."

Lucky me, I didn't have to imagine. Courtesy of Finn.

"Anyway, I have to leave now."

"It's only ten thirty, though," I mentioned.

"I know, but I don't wanna get caught in traffic. Plus, I want to eat before meeting with Stefan."

For a split second, I was going to nod until I reminded myself that they were already meeting at a cafe. Or so he said.


"I'm not big on coffee or anything sweet," he shrugged. "I'm gonna get myself a grilled cheese and maybe some fries."

When he put it that way, it made much more sense.

"Wanna join me?"

I shook my head.

"So I'll be seeing you later."

"Later," I smiled.

More like sooner.

Finn slid a dark hoodie on followed by a baseball cap before walking through the door. I watched him approach his car and hop into the driver's seat. Once he pulled out of the driveway I stood up. I needed to arrive at the Bean Shack before Finn did.

Suddenly my phone buzzed, and I unlocked it to find a notification from Photos.

Your Monthly Recap

The first photo was of Noelle and me baking white chocolate chip cookies. The next one was of Finn and I making silly faces on the couch across from me. An occasional smile tugged at my lips as I tapped through this month's highlight.

The smiles became less frequent when my baby shower photos began showing up. It wasn't long before photos of Amelia followed.

At that moment, I finally took in how stunning she truly was. From her caramel pigment to the way her thin almond-shaped eyes formed when she smiled. That day she was dressed in a burgundy romper paired with a gold necklace holding diamond jewels in the center. This photo was a reminder of the beauty she possessed before the unfortunate turn of events.

I closed the app, and put my phone away. There was always time for this later.

I pulled my hoodie over my head then dropped my sweatpants at my feet. I smoothed out the wrinkles on my black knee-length blazer before pushing a pair of sunglasses onto my face. My hair was already styled in cornrows therefore throwing on the auburn wig didn't require much effort. I placed a fedora over my new hair as I hurried towards the front door.

Soon enough, I was on the road. It wasn't too busy at this time considering most people were at work, except for those who were likely on their lunch break. I glanced at my phone GPS which told me that Bean Shack was thirteen minutes away.

As the distance between the cafe and I decreased, my palms began sliding down the steering wheel. My mind couldn't help but picture how Finn would react if he caught me. A very big "if" though. All I could do was hope that my disguise would do right by me.

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