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Finn's POV

She walked out the door and those two words played in my head over and over again.

It's over.

I tried texting her but it was no use. I can't believe this happened. She meant a lot to me and I hurt her. All I had to do was stop texting my ex. I want to work things out with her, and I had to do was to stop texting Danielle. I took my phone out and sent her a text.

I think we should stop talking.

My phone chimes meaning that she replied. I open the text and read, Why? I thought we going somewhere.

I should've known that agreeing to be just friends would make her think that we'd get back together. Which won't ever happen.

As I'm contemplating on whether I should reply she texts again.

I thought we had something special.

I replied, I have something special with her, not you.

Danielle hurt me too many times. There was so many problems in our relationship, I was tired of it. I would always put her feelings ahead of mine, and I'm glad I chose mine in the end.

I texted her, Remember why we broke up in the first place?

Sometimes I think she forgets why we broke up. And whenever I remind her of why it didn't work out she always says something like I've changed or it won't happen again. Even though we both know it's not true.


Aida's POV

It's been a month since I last talked to Finn and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him. Even though he hurt me, I still love him. I never expected for us to break up this soon. Not with a baby on the way. But, I can't do anything about him wanting her over me.

I mean I should at least let him know that he has a kid on the way. Whether he wants it or not, he has the right to know. I need to talk to him but I just can't bring myself to go see him again. I don't wanna see him after what happened. Maybe I should get one of my siblings to tell him. Even though it would be better if he heard it from me.

"Aida are you listening to me?" Wyatt asked.

"Yeah... I am."

Wyatt came over to hang out for a bit. We spent the past four hours playing video games, eating bad food, playing even more video games. Wyatt loved videos games.

"I need to go now." He said standing up.

"Aw. Come visit me again soon." I said before hugging him.

"Want me to talk to him for you?"

I knew I couldn't avoid this topic for long, after all Wyatt and Finn are good friends. I met Wyatt through Finn.

"It's been a month and he hasn't even called me. He doesn't want me, Wyatt."

He raised an eyebrow.

"That's a lie. Aida he bought you a promise ring, I've never seen him that serious about a girl before. And you still love him, don't you?"

"Of course I do."

"Why don't you get back with him?"

Tears started to blur my vision. These pregnancy hormones are kicking in sooner than I expected.

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