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Finn's POV

Tears blurred my vision as I twisted the promise ring on my finger. Wyatt and I had spent the last eighteen minutes in his Range Rover with our lips tight, allowing room for the engine and my thoughts to take up the silence.

"So, it's really over?" Wyatt questioned.

"I guess so."

"What do you mean you 'guess so?' You initiated the breakup."

After her actions instigated it, I thought. Except it wasn't a silent one because Wyatt shook his head with a sigh.

"Dumping food on you doesn't sound like a good enough reason, and she tried to make up for it."

If she hadn't done it, there wouldn't have been anything to make up for in the first place.

"She loves you, she just fucked up a little."

My jaw tightened. "Are you my friend or hers?"

"Friends don't lie," Wyatt shrugged. "Or did you already forget that?"

As much as I wanted to challenge him, unlike Aida, I knew how to accept it when the other person was right.

"Look," he began, "I don't know the details, but your bond is stronger than whatever's driving you apart."

I let out a bitter chuckle. Aida's stubbornness was an ice pick to our bond. It chipped away enough to leave her skating on very thin ice, and I preferred to not stick around for the breaking point. I had enough cuts from the last time.

"It has to be, or you wouldn't have put so much into building a life together."

I noticed a feather in his brown curls. "There's something in your..." I started, before reaching into his hair to remove it. As I pulled my hand away, a few hairs came with it causing Wyatt to take a sharp inhale.

"It got caught in my ring," I said, defence creeping into my voice.

"My hair doesn't matter. Don't try to change the subject."

"I just want a good life for my daughter."

Wyatt glanced in my direction before returning his eyes to the road. "If this were only for your daughter, you wouldn't have proposed."

Although Wyatt was correct, it didn't stop me from asking, "And how would you know that?"

"Because when Danielle—"

"Don't say that name."

Danielle had done more than enough. From attacking my pregnant fiancé, following us to New York, to being the reason her friend was six feet under. Well, part of the reason. Whoever else was involved was yet to be found. Either way, the least I deserved was to continue on with my life without having to remember the life I had with Danielle or almost did.

One of the few painful moments I now confidently saw as a blessing. And it came under one hell of a disguise.

"Does Aida even know?" He questioned.

"Does she need to?"

"It's not the kind of thing you keep from your partner."

"Then it's a good thing we're not together right now."

His right eyebrow shot up. "Right now?"

"Anymore," I corrected.

"Right," Wyatt nodded.

I rolled my eyes, earning a chuckle from him. I wondered if being too passive was the issue. If my own friend assumed that I would go back, Aida probably thought the same. Maybe it was the reason she continued to be so difficult. However, it was time she realize that I would no longer put up with it. I couldn't.

"You two are end game," Wyatt adds.

Yeah, well, game over.


Several hours later I was settled into my other place. The one I had before I left Los Angeles. Before Aida left me. Kind of funny how the tables turned.

I lowered myself into the couch, remote in one hand, a bowl of potato chips in the other. I alternated between Disney Plus, Netflix, and Prime Video, flicking through the titles. Aida always made the choice, and I just went along with whichever movie or series she chose. They were always good, so I never had a problem.

I eventually went with a random Netflix comedy. My attempt to distract myself from everything going on was a complete failure. Every thought was about Aida.

Aida would be laughing so hard.
Aida would love this character.
Aida would hate them.

I switched the TV off with a sigh. I was flooded with familiar emotions. The ones I felt from not being with Danielle for the final time. However, I wasn't going to let mixed emotions cloud my judgment as they did before.

My phone vibrated with a call from Jordan. I spent the following ten seconds contemplating letting it go to voicemail. I decided to pick it up.

"I got a text from Aida"

"You're wasting your time. My mind is made up."

Jordan let out a chuckle. "You're both so defensive, I can see why you're together."

"Not anymore," I corrected.

"Anyway, I'm not here to talk you into getting back with my sister. That's between you guys."

I almost wanted to ask him why he was calling at all, but there was no way to put it without coming off rude. Besides, Jordan's company might've been what I needed. Knowing Aida, she had probably already asked for all of her siblings to go over there.

I thought of inviting Jaeden over, but avoiding the subject of my former relationship wasn't an option.  He knew something was up when Aida wasn't there when he was picking me up, however, he didn't press.

No one other than Jordan and Wyatt knew about our breakup, and I intended to keep it that way; until I sorted through my feelings.

"Where are you?"

"Um, Sportchek."

"The one twenty minutes away?" I questioned.

"From your old place, yeah."

On top of being the only other guy friend knowing about the breakup, he was also the only one I was able to confide in regarding the investigation. I asked him to come over which he agreed to, right before clarifying that he would eventually have to leave to see Aida. Once the call ended, a text notification appeared on my screen. It was Stefan.

I had remained in minimal contact with him and his partner Hank, even while out of New York. With the move, I wasn't able to keep up with them as much as I would have preferred.

Stefan's text read, Did you do what I asked?

I'm working on it, I responded.

A/N: Working on what??

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